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Me: "I wonder why my credit score's so bad"
also me:
By the time I'm out of college tho, I'll have much more established credit history, those inquiries and new accounts will have aged off, and I'll have more available credit and it'll all be paid off, so I think I'll probably in a better place credit-score-wise in a few years than most others
6 hours later…
Which is likely faster?
@l4m2 memchr(x, '\0', 64)?
Do they behave same when after 0 is some unreadable space?
they're supposed to
integrity of the length parameter is up to the programmer, so I wouldn't be surprised if it segfaults
documentation disagrees with you
> This function behaves as if it reads the bytes sequentially and stops as soon as a matching bytes is found: if the array pointed to by ptr is smaller than count, but the match is found within the array, the behavior is well-defined. (since C++17)
hmm ok
that is for memchr
somehow strnlen doesn't exist in cppreference at all
there are only strlen and strnlen_s
CMegaC: Golf the large constant in this Labyrinth Hello World to beat martin ender's 40b
5 hours later…
CMQ Each time split n=2k>3 people evenly into 2 groups, 3+k%2 times are needed so that every pair have been in same group. What about n=3k into 3 groups?
7 hours later…
My economics class has the weirdest example commodities
like today it is hyperbaric chambers and a few weeks ago it was "guns and butter"
1 hour later…
I'm so not locked in
I stayed up playing minecraft with a friend until 6 am and didn't wake up until 4 pm
There goes my repaired sleep schedule lol
@Seggan Guns and butter is pretty standard idk why
Economists are weird
If someone ever tries to teach you econ beyond what you need to graduate, kick them in the groin and yell "THAT'S MY PURSE I DON'T KNOW YOU"
Actually I have met one economist who was pretty cool, my HS computer science teacher
He leaned a little more free market than me, but we had really similar views on lots of stuff, and his takes on education were really great
@emanresuA do you mean this kind of thing
@RydwolfPrograms this might be the first time i've been able to fully envision you as a texan :P
@jan Pretty much, yes, you've clearly thought about this a lot more than I have
@emanresuA do discuss further :zzz:
1 hour later…
@Seggan why wouldn't it be butter?
Yeah, guns and butter are the bread and butter of economics
Hey wait, do guns = bread in econ land?
Wait no it doesn't it's complete nonsense
Wait I wonder if you could set a GitHub Webhook to use the URL of a post to get the announcer badge

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