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@RydwolfPrograms Depending on the context, that could totally be a magic number in need of a proper name
Like if you're calling C code and the 1 is actually some enum member, you should probably define constants for 0, 1, etc.
#define ZERO 0
Honestly if that's something you're getting in a code review I'd like to know what it is you're doing with those 1s :p
There's some sort of context there where the 1s actually have meaning
Outside of a quick increment or a math formula
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

guest4308Plot the ground path of a satellite If you model a satellite orbiting a body as a point, you can pretty easily see it has 6 degrees of freedom: three for the X, Y, and Z position, and three for the X, Y, and Z velocity. However, this doesn't tell you much about what the orbit is going to look lik...

Chopping board accidentally has a picture of a cat attacking some cyclops ahh blob monster thing
sorry that was me
it looked weird
Fair enough
Just another TNBer in my kitchen :p
Maybe TNB is actually located entirely within my kitchen
I need to go steam some hams to verify this
That would make me a literal Room Owner
room topic changed to Lyxal's Kitchen: General discussion for lyxal's kitchen | Guidelines: no cookingafter 9pm ([food], [plates], [fridge])
1 hour later…
oh my god
i hate dynamically typed languages
just spent close to an hour debugging something, completely at my wits' end, turns out I completely forgot to pass the whole fucking animation duration
so everything turned into a cascade of NaNs
yknow how the idea is that you say something if an error happens at runtime at least
sure love how floats are kidna just like yeah fuck that too
if you're not an infallible being why are you trying to write code anyway
Now for the embarassing part...let's go through my commit history and see how many of the attempted fixes were on code that already fully worked
2 hours later…
Q: A paradox about cardinality of ALL and arithmetic hierarchies ― Did I just prove that ZFC is inconsistent?

Dannyu NDosThis problem arose when I tried to find the arithmetic hierarchy that $\mathsf{ALL}$, the class of all formal languages over a finite alphabet, corresponds to (like how $\mathsf{R} = \Delta^0_1$ and $\mathsf{RE} = \Sigma^0_1$). Since the cardinality of $\mathsf{ALL}$ is $\beth_1$, I thought that,...

is there a esolang based on set theory?
interested in making one but maybe there's prior art
NST attempted to be one (it's short for Naive Set Theory)
but apparently the creator deleted their account here and the repo
looks like it's stack based, not exactly what I was envisioning
there's a couple other results on esolang but none are similar to what I'm thinking
Set Language is probably closest but it has weird syntax
is there a commonly used way to encode a lazy, infinite set?
it's usually simply done with a lazy list I think
hm, I guess there's no real way to encode uncountably infinite sets though
so only rationals, I suppose
at that point you need a formal mathematical logic system
yeah, which is probably too complex for what I'm thinking
@RubenVerg I don't remember it being stack based
Granted that was 4 years ago so I might be wrong
Anyhow if you want the source code I'll make public the fork I made before it was deleted
Ah wait no it's already public
Yeah ok it's stack based says so right there in the readme lol
Now that's a trip down memory lane
Person who made it also made other golflangs and helped shaped the fundamentals for vyxal
We collabed on a fair bit actually
A__ (the maker of NST) is actually the reason I came back to code golf
Without them, I might never have returned after losing interest in late 2018
1 hour later…
I have a dumb idea for a chess variant
32 players free for all, each player controls one piece. Can capture both black and white pieces
Each player writes down their move at the same time then they are resolved, lowest value piece first
If your move is invalid your turn is skipped
The player with the most captures at the end wins
@mousetail if the piece u control is captured does that mean u r out of the game and the number of captures u have is final?
Yes, half the people will be eliminated the first turn
sounds terrible for those controlling pawns ngl
can you capture the king as well?
@AidenChow You kidding? They are the only ones that can perform en passant!
Pawns have a good ability to run away
can the king walk into check?
It's a privilege to control a pawn
King is in more trouble than pawn since the queen can guarenteed capture him the first turn
@mousetail well if u r controlling a pawn, often times u just have one legal move which is to push forward one square
@mousetail is king considered higher value than queen?
Well you can try to capture to the left or right if something happens to be there
@AidenChow In typical rules, yes. Queen can be captured by the rooks first but only if they coordinate with the horse and bishop
Capturing a pawn is about predicting if it will move or not
this sounds very chaotic ngl
That's the idea, it's not intended to be remotely balanced
wait can u put a clearly invalid move to intentionally skip a turn?
Sounds like playing the King is instant loss though. There's no reason for the queen to never take straight away and depending on king value, the king never gets a chance to run away.
That's true, we can do 30 players and have the kings played by stockfish
What happens if two pieces of equal value move to the same square?
For pawns the outer ones move first then the inner ones. For the others one is arbitrairly chosen to be considered worth more than the other
Maybe just left to right from initial position, alternating black and white
That's probably simpler and better
Because what if you have a pawn on c3 and c5 wanting to capture on d4?
Who survives?
So the piece that is chosen second to move to the square won’t be able to move cuz it’s an invalid move right
It will capture the first piece to move there
Cuz the second piece didn’t specify capture (assuming algebraic notation)
@mousetail oh interesting
No you don't need to specify if you want to capture (unless you are a pawn)
How is the move inputted?
You can just write down where you want to move to
Have we confirmed that the simpler movement resolution is being used?
Well if it’s algebraic notation an x is used to specify capture, like Nxe4. If there’s a piece already at e4 and u just write Ne4, wouldn’t that be invalid?
Is castling allowed?
Basically it works like a pre-move in most chess apps. So you can select any square you could in theory be able to make a legal move towards and if it's valid at that time it's resolved
casling is allowed, does not require consent from the rook
@mousetail so instead of writing the move , u click a square u want ur piece to go to?
Yes, or write down the coordinates of the square if you play analogue. it doesn't matter for the rules
@mousetail sounds rather niche, the rook needs to skip all their turns before castling in order for it to be legal
Yea it's unlikely to ever happen because the king usually gets captured the first move
@mousetail the myth of consensual castling
And also once the rook moves castling is not allowed
Maybe that rule can be relaxed like chess variants often do. Also casling into or through check is ok
Is il vaticano in play?
No, but you can en passant friendly pawns
How does that work? Wouldn't that require moving backwards?
I like the sound of it I don't know the details is all
Suppose the E pawn moves up two and the D pawn decides to capture top right, they take the E pawn is captured en passant since the D pawn moves later.
Aha I think I get that
For the king: New rule. King moves first. If the king is eliminated the entire team is eliminated (but it doesn't give the capturing piece any points). So every piece needs to predict where the king will move and avoid accidentally capturing him or they lose. The king himself thirsts for blood like every other piece.
That sounds crazy lol
I like that
If the king is captured will the pieces of that team just stay there but unable to be moved (available for capture for the other team) or will all the pieces of that team simultaneously disappear?
Lets say they stay. It creates some incentive for the other team to try to take the king
1 hour later…
Q: Face lattice of permutohedron

HDDBelow image is a permutohedron of order 4. My question is how to draw a face lattice of the above image in easiest way?

it does always make me sad that uses normal base conversion instead of bijective base conversion ;_;
2 hours later…
Is there any common logic gate that has two outputs? I mean high level things like ROM and flip flops
@mousetail mux/demux?
ROMs also may have multiple outputs, if they're multi-bit ones (most are).
note that neither ROMs, flip flops nor mux/demux are actually logic gates. perhaps you mean logic circuits?
Multi bit does not count as multiple outputs for my purposes
Demux is a good one
Though I think I can figure out a way to not need it
i'm so curious now
I'm making a circuitesque esolang
i should golf in verilog <---clueless
@mousetail full adder?
I don't think I need it since my adder already support an arbitrary number of bits
1 hour later…
@mousetail I was about to ask if I could implement this since I've got a lot of reusable chess-related code but then I realized the obvious issue that we likely do not have 32 friends between us TNBers to actually play it :p
r.e. the above convo, half/full adders are the only gates I can think of that have two outputs yeah
1 hour later…
@RydwolfPrograms Realistically people could probably play a few pieces at the same time without it effecting the game. Since most pieces get eliminated immediately pieces far away have no real way of supporting eachother
This seems like the type of thing a youtuber might be able to do
hey @RydwolfPrograms don't you own ginger.army
2 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms could make it a koth :P
2 hours later…
@Ginger yeah
is the dns set up
I may do a funny
Should be routed to your server now
coolio, I've got some ports for you as well
just 8448
I've got a few ideas for things to do with this domain, tho
might also look into buying my own domain, since as a transfem-ish person I am legally required to own at least one slightly suggestive domain name :p
I don't have any ideas for domains tho
and sadly ginger.wtf is taken
@RydwolfPrograms is it a wildcard?
like can I request subdomains
No, I can add a wildcard if you want tho
that would be appreciated
this is part of my long-term backup plan in case chat ever explodes or discord finally does something too shitty
That escalated from blatantly obviously questions to math I've never heard of :p
that just
doesn't have a unique answer
like wouldn't it literally just be 0 at one of the poles w.r.t. the rotation
also weird to ask for velocity as a scalar quantity unless the radius is actually also supposed to be a vector (unless it's not weird i haven't physicsed in a while)
i suspect the auto generation involves a bit of genai :P
Radius as a vector sounds hella cursed but it also sounds like the sort of thing that ph*sicists would come up with
@UnrelatedString yet some answers there were marked incorrect
I think the quiz format only allows one correct answer, so it probably also has two incorrect answers
if i'm not wrong that the maximum velocity (i.e. at maximum distance from the poles) is the third option then the second option should be... i guess it's not guaranteed to wrong because the angular velocity could be less than one but yeah
and i guess the same goes for the first option
so there is a unique answer out of the three, there just isn't an actual "the formula" :P
@UnrelatedString if it was a circle then all of the points on the circumference would have the same linear velocity (or speed as I call it) even though their velocities are all in different directions
mfw my main youtube account is chosen to be part of the server-side ads testing group

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