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a serious table I can't take seriously because they included Ohio in the state list
based tailwindcss
the only thing I can't take seriously about that table is that Indianapolis exists
we should submit a PR to remove Ohio and Indianapolis so that people like us take it seriously instead of talking about it in internet chatrooms for non-styling reasons :p
FontAwesome thonk emoji looks lowkey cursed using dark reader
ngl it's kind of a vibe if you can't see the tiny little outlines
like that?
Failed to compile.

  Line 21:25:  Redundant alt attribute. Screen-readers already announce `img` tags as an image. You don’t need to use the words `image`, `photo,` or `picture` (or any specified custom words) in the alt prop  jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt
that's new levels of linter pettiness I didn't think were possible
and so easily avoidable
s/picture/pick ture
stupid eslint wouldn't pick that one up
or just disable the linter rule in your eslintrc
@hyper-neutrino don't have one of those
Create one
Create react app doesn't use eslintrc files apparently
I have to edit the package.json
I do not want to mess with that right now :p
Have y'all experienced mojibake?
In South Korea, the most notorious kind of mojibake is 占쏙옙.
@lyxal It sorta looks like someone pushing on their skin to see how stretchy it is
Not very stretchy by the looks of it
4 hours later…
@pxeger I ran the following code in Dyalog APL on ATO:
{⍺←6 ⋄ ~prime ⍵ : ⍺∇(⍵+1) ⋄ ⎕←⍺,⍵ ⋄ (⍺+1)∇(⍵+1)}12
And while expected to not terminate by itself, the Kill button didn't work. Eventually, I got "An error occurred; see the console for details" where it said "TypeError: ev.target.closest is not a function" and "websocket connection unexpectedly closed with code 1008: invalid request: invalid type: string "Kill", expected struct Request"
@Seggan heh, no, I was just imagining what the most ridiculous language-in-other-language implementation would be.
You'd probably want to run it through some x86-to-bf intermediate, maybe with a few years it could solve 2 + 2 = ?
Idea: Training a convolutional neural network on brainfuck programs and seeing how often it can predict their output/whether they halt :p
Just ask it to solve the halting problem why don't you
That too, I'd be curious to see how its odds of getting it right scale relative to program complexity
It's 2 AM but...guess I've got a job to do now lol
Actually nah I should probably get some sleep lol
The spirit of programming :p
... never mind
The spirit of slightly pragmatic programming :p
CMSR: Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd by Bring Me The Horizon
They finally released their new album (POST HUMAN: NeX GEn) they'd been promising for ages :D
Unpopular opinion but I really like intro/interlude tracks in albums
0:00 from TRUE POWER by I Prevail and [ost] dreamseeker from NeX GEn are both great at getting you excited for the album
And having a break between two really high energy songs, like Interlude from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance does, is cool if done right
(I like how the two most recent I Prevail albums, TRUE POWER and TRAUMA, both start with "TR" since it means they're next to one another in alphabetical sort)
1 hour later…
@Adám Did this happen reproducibly? It sounds like it might just be packet loss or something
although I don't know where the TypeError would've come from; closest doesn't appear anywhere in the ATO frontend code (maybe a browser extension / userscript?)
4 hours later…
@emanresuA asmbf
3 hours later…
A: "Hello, World!"

matronatorClarity, 15 bytes Source: "Hello World!" Output: "Hello World!" Try it online! Works in the Clarity console, outputs "Hello World!". If you want to output it on the blockchain, which prints a lengthier output though, do this: (print "Hello World!") Output: Events emitted {"contract_event":{"c...

1 hour later…
mfw a THIRD necromancer badge
is someone going through and upvoting all my answers??
tst is really gone now :P
(jersey 25 charted)
scp foundation got to it :(
@pxeger Ah, right, it doesn't happen when I do it in a private browsing window (i.e. no extensions)
1 hour later…
@Simd If you just want to see the questions and not their answers, you can also add is:q.
@DannyuNDos Occasionally, but not very often because I don't read any CJK languages. It happens sometimes with accented Latin letters.
@Ginger I've actually gotten two in the last week, but three? Wow.
one today, one yesterday, and one on friday
[resisting the urge to get on SEDE to find out who has the most Necromancer badges and also how CGCC's numbers compare to other StackExchange sites]
@DLosc not strictly a character set encoding issue but by far the most common i see is just the thing with html entities getting rendered as plain text
usually & turning into &
@Ginger A lot of my old answers got upvoted in the last few days too
Hey me too
@DLosc thank you
@DLosc heh, I only got Necromancer on codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/205861 because it took me so long to write the answer
(I don't normally answer old posts)
3 hours later…
word back at it with the golflang autocomplete
we're still doing the whole pookie thing in 2024?
@DLosc I have SEDE query for exactly that :P
apparently CGCC beats Math.SE except for a couple outliers
and there are only ~60 people who have more necromancers on SO than stasoid on CGCC
bah, I just noticed that my visit streak reset a couple of months ago
I'm wondering if there's been problems with SE's visit detection counter
because my streak over on PLDI should not be 27
given that I open it first thing each day to check for flags
it should be more

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