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Whew, finished!
1 hour later…
A: "Hello, World!"

noodle manYoda-Lang, 23 bytes "Hello, World!" you say I haven't figured out how to install Yoda-Lang so I can't tell if I can remove any spaces. I'll give another try at installing it soon, since this looks like a genuinely interesting language.

17 hours later…
(brb, making a language called "yep" now)
1 hour later…
CMQ given an n by n matrix of integers I can find the diagonal line (going up and right) that partitions the matrix to maximise the sum of the numbers in the top left part. This takes the time linear in the size of the matrix. I can also find the radius of a circle with center at (0,0) which maximises the sum of the integers in the circle in the same time conplexity
But I want to do both. That is find a diagonal line and radius that maximises the sum of the integers that are up and left of both
Can that be done quickly too?
CMC: Generate a Uniformly random Chord of a Unit Circle.
@ATaco what does this mean? do you mean output two random points on the circle?
@noodleman The method for which the chord is represented is up to the golfer.
...ok then
pseudocode 2 times: a = rand() * 2 * pi; print "(" + sin(a) + ", " + cos(a) + ")"
@noodleman this is an acceptable output format
who's sock are you
@lyxal just discovered star spam in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52405/the-apl-orchard
Finally, I get to witness Star Spam
@noodleman lyxal's probably
good guess
@Adám if it's from a few hours ago, they caught the spammer
Did it happen just now or was it already there
star spam, nothing but staar spam
♫There's a Staaaar Spaaaam waiting in the sky!♫
But if it's actually recent (in the last hour) I need to know
@lyxal I was offline for a long time, and just came and saw it now.
Aha so it's probably already been handled
@lyxal Except mass-clearing stars. Can you?
Now: Prove it's Uniform...
if Math.random() uniformly picks a number between 0 and 1 then it should be
i guess it can be 0 and can't be 1 but i don't think that would change anything
@ATaco how about this: you prove it isn't uniform
Damn, I was trying to invoke the Bertrand Paradox, but did so poorly.
would be 11 if Uiua had cos builtin, instead this uses cos = sin(pi/2 - theta)
conveniently, Uiua has τ (theta) for 2pi and η (eta) for pi/2 builtin
oh wait actually, 12: ⍥(⊟+η.∿×τ⚂)2
oh wait actually real programming language 100%
@noodleman *tau
if i knew how to use words i would have said the right ones
ha, they got a symbol for sine
Get this song stuck in your head and you'll always remember it
from atangent docs: "° un∠ atangent gives the ∿ sine and cosine of an angle."

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