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@mousetail I updated the github.io BitCycle interpreter, BTW. Some more changes are in the works, but rather than wait till I figure out exactly how I want everything to look, I figured I'd make the already-done improvements available now.
9 hours later…
@DLosc Nice, I recreated my bit reversing function: dloscutoff.github.io/Esolangs/BitCycle/…
8 hours later…
Q: What was the original password before custom encryption?

mistymanEncryption puzzle! Can you reverse the code and find out the original input to the handlePassword function? function xor (imm, pw) { for (let i = 0; i < imm.length; i++) { pw[i] ^= imm[i]; } return pw; } function shuffle (imm, pw) { let tmp = new Uint8Array(12); for (...

me when no OWC
5 hours later…
Q: Contract a tensor

TbwIntroduction Tensor contraction is an operation that can be performed on a tensor. It is a generalization of the idea of the trace of a matrix. For example, if we have a rank-2 tensor (a matrix) and we contract along both of its axes, we take the sum of each entry in which the indices of these ax...

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