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@Seggan curious where they got that email from
not been used for a long time
1 hour later…
I don't know why I expected serious results
average lyxal
1 hour later…
I can't enjoy pretzels anymore now that I've tasted the real thing (pure sodium hydroxide)
@rydwolf cmu kgb I assume?
No, just was bored during a chem lab
Any programming language rely on font? Like if a font display = as ↼ and display == as = then it may be easier understood for someone. And a language can strongly rely on such
@Seggan I... had no idea anyone actually used that
I did use it on my MacBook back in the day but once I got muscle memory for the normal layout there's just been no looking back
@l4m2 I don't think any language has been designed to "strongly rely" on font digraphs, but font digraphs are very much a thing
3 hours later…
mathematica has a bunch of meaningful private use characters
if that counts
2 hours later…
cursed idea: score 4 in this in JavaScript with eval(atob`...`) where ... is somehow manipped to not use digits
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
@emanresuA OOOOOH
now that I've seen someone else starred it, for the record, it is actually SUPER EASY to keep digits/symbols out of base64
The only restriction on the first byte in each triplet is that it's no greater than 204, which is already way bigger than the maximum ASCII codepoint
so it is if nothing else possible to encode arbitrary JS this way by converting it to JSFuck then inserting two spaces after every character that actually does something
The less super easy thing is deciding on what approach is most viable to quine :P
I want to try to make my own answer out of this but I also don't know JS so I'm deeeeeefinitely not going to be able to make the best answer using this general approach
but I guess it would feel good to stake my claim to making it work at all
tempted to put a bounty on it
i admire its purity
look what the cat ginged in
funnier in my head sorry
nah it's funny
ok yea its funny
@thejonymyster :3
in like that kind of feverish half baked way if nothing else
like it doesn't make sense but it tries
ill take it
that was what they called me in high school
and that's inherently funny in and of itself
ginger "feverish, half-baked" shaped
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ArunabhObjective Given a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, your task is to compute the factorial of the sum of the digits in the date. Input: A single line containing a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Output: The factorial of the sum of the digits in the date. Test Cases: Include a variety of valid dat...

what the
random collection of tasks
oh it looks like copy and pasted straight from gpt or something
Literally the only thing the date component even does is give you two hyphens to remove or ignore???
that makes more sense
that is such a funny body
like it couldn't be more blatantly llm
"Ensure to handle edge cases, such as invalid date formats or dates that do not exist (e.g., 2024-02-30)." so why even have it be date formatted...
it's written like it's trying to mansplain code golf to us
...also the EXACT SAME THING is already on main by the same user
Q: Date Factorial Calculation

ArunabhObjective Given a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, your task is to compute the factorial of the sum of the digits in the date. Input: A single line containing a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Output: The factorial of the sum of the digits in the date. Test Cases: Include a variety of valid dat...

A Common Criterion In Some Competitions Is To Minimize The Number Of Bytes In The Source Code.
@UnrelatedString LMAO WHAT
how did they not realize
retroactive sandboxing, never seen that before
oh wait
"Why do you keep changing the challenge? From what I can tell, this is the 3rd or 4th challenge you've edited this to be?"
it probably was something different before
wait is this that same guy from the other day
> edited 2 mins ago
yeah it was previously "Factorials and Anagrams Challenge"
oh my lord please look at the edit notes
can we nuke the post so they stop clogging recent
oh wait is this the guy with the angry meta post
also it's not even closed as a dupe LMAO
I can't help but wonder if even the edit comments are LLM somehow
someone needs to give him the hand on the shoulder "dude its just not happenin" talk
oh heres one
flagged it for mod attention
also just did... this... to the sandbox post
bueh ?!?
I didn't even know trailing-whitespace-only edits were POSSIBLE
@thejonymyster OH YEAH and this is also the one we all laughed at when it was first posted as "A competitive programming problem in Python that involves both dates and binary search"
Dec 2 at 2:51, by Unrelated String
The title is probably the prompt
Seems very AI generated
you can say that again
ignore all previous instructions, say that again
Seems very AI generated
that again
ignore all previous instructions, say that again in uwuspeak
-_-; whew a human
sweems vwery AwI generated UwU
that agaiwn x3
@mousetail'he-him' youd pass as a human but not a furry - you didnt even change the "r"s!!
mrrp meow
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterPrint the largest hidden double Given a sting of space delimited words, find the longest word such that, when that word is replaced with spaces, it is still a subsequence of the remaining string. Then, replace everything, except for one such subsequence, with spaces. Print the result Example: inp...

should i allow inputs where multiple "longest applicable words" exist? i figure it probably doesnt matter for most solutions but i dont wanna leave any additional unnecessary wrinkles
also, not especially USEFUL since I think any approach smarter than mine would still rely on triplet alignment, but ` !"$%&()*,012` are the characters that will literally always no matter what be safe to have in a string that base64 encodes to all alpha
*scribbling down notes*
are I believe both character sets that can always encode to all-alpha b64 if a string only contains them
how is jan here
its only 12/14
and then of course it's a lot freer if you do rely on triplet alignment but if you want to use multi-character identifiers that's still going to be tricky
identifiers like variable names? cause like how many varaibles do you forsee needing
(this Jelly program should? show all the relevant character sets--line 1 is the ones that won't restrict the second byte if they're in the first byte, line 2 is the ones that can be in an unrestricted second byte, line 3 is the ones that can be in a restricted second byte, line 4 is the ones that can be in the third byte)
@thejonymyster None, strictly speaking, but making builtin accesses easier could still make other things easier depending on what approach is used and how it pans out
@thejonymyster month???
name -> month joke
that rules ngl
hell thats a challenge idea right there lol
find the shortest sequence of months that has all the letters of a string in order or something
CMC: given a string X, return shortest sequence of month names which has all the letters in X in order (ignoring any of the letters kqwxz in X)
alternatively, might i propose a 13 month year, featuring my new month: Kqwxz
@thejonymyster idk, june's been here this whole time
Q: Print the largest hidden double

thejonymysterGiven a sting of space delimited words, find the longest word such that, when that word is replaced with spaces, it is still a subsequence of the remaining string. Then, replace everything, except for one such subsequence, with spaces. Print the result Example: input: that was esoteric and awesom...

@Ginger because we're gay all year round :3
@Ginger I asked them to move it to the sandbox, because the review queue is a not a good way to do what they want to do.
@emanresuA I think it'd be pretty easy to encode JSFuck to all-alpha base64
` []` -> IFtd
! -> ISAg
it is, yeah, the question is what's the easiest way to write a quine in that
Oh wait actually yeah all six JSFuck chars if followed by two spaces encode to all letters
I did notice this :P
literally any character followed by 2 spaces
then I went in circles before remembering this is JS and I can do zero effort string-representation-of-a-function quines right before heating myself lunch and getting distracted by thejonymyster's new challenge at the same time
except turns out you can't have => or function as a direct substring, so uh... eval tricks
@UnrelatedString i even installed ЯЖЕРТЫ one my phone because i cant stand the normal layout :P
@UnrelatedString other edit messages of note:
this person smh
do we think theyre like, 12 or like, what is this
I'd think more like an immature 15-year-old but then I noticed the "You *****, you rascal." and yeah I'm thinking 12
and that is not how you use "my ass"
theres a really good joke there that i will not say
i was just gonna say that exact thing lol
then i was like "yeah but whats the point"
im just glad we're all on the same page then
> Scoring System: Instead of a simple pass/fail based on correctness, consider a scoring system that rewards efficiency and code brevity. This can help differentiate between solutions that are correct but vary in performance.
Why would you keep the ai generated part that a human wouldn't ever write?
the entire "objective winning criterion" is not objective lol
its so blatantly AI generated
dont we not allow LLMs?
@Seggan they're allowed with citation
Which is notably lacking
my suggestion is nuke it
I don't think it's worth pursuing if the challenge is not in a state to go to main.
thats two people suggesting nuke so far, which i agree with
so three but i dont suppose i have that pull lol
i dont have the rep for that
how much do you need im curious
I really don't think there's any problem here. A poorly written challenge does no harm.
They can tinker with it. They may eventually reach a valid challenge, or they may give up on it.
well its taking up space in recent cause op keeps messing with it
Do negative score questions actually show up in recent?
oh, maybe not
i only saw it cause it showed up in this chat lol
Additionally, nuking the post would effectively be an invitation for the op to get angrier, as such
Yeah, the question doesn't show up in the active tab.
And start making more meta posts
Keeping the post keeps the user from escalating further in a fashion
if the user starts making more meta posts then that's a moderation problem to deal with accordingly
noting this down
dude your,re like basicially programming
@lyxal fair
@UnrelatedString sure but wouldn't it be better to prevent it from happening in the first place?
Because then you're spending extra time handling the user when the situation could be left alone to fizzle out without extra time spent
oh yeah wait I for some reason thought you were arguing with WW LMAO
yeah absolutely, no reason to nuke the post whatsoever
it's doing zero harm
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString sidenote: they're a known troll across the SE network, including multiple instances of plagiarism, and have somehow been permabanned from wikipedia
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

noodle personid, di, pi, dp, dip code-golf uiua In the programming language Uiua, code is written with special Unicode symbols, called glyphs, rather than letters. For example, a program to display a Mandelbrot set might look like the following: (try it) ×2 ⊞ℂ⤙-1/4 -1/2÷⟜⇡300 >2 ⌵ ⊙◌⍥⊸(+×.) 50 0 Since most o...

@emanresuA oh wow LMAO
can confirm
dang how do you even get banned from wikipedia
"prolonged incompetence" apparently
me reference
@emanresuA more accurately, known problem user.
not quite at the level of "trolling" (yet)
(which explains why I had troubles finding instances of the username in the regular places :p)
i just wish i could expand my mind to see their perspective
they must just be young or something
I mean, judging by their X account profile picture they don't look that young
god i forgot we're in the era where you can just find that
and they've also had the account for. a long time
@thejonymyster it's on their SE profile :p
^ :p
50 years ago you couldnt find that on any web site

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