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it's pretty much not a concern today :p
@lyxal because were just copying older posts to make us seem actually decent :P
They're mostly a thing of the past but it's good to be able to reliably ping someone
the info tab can help with that
even so it's less effort to just have people keep (mostly) consistent usernames
for sure
it's just something I find funny that's managed to persist as a reason to vote for someone
brb, changing my name since I'm not planning to run for RO
BRB, force nominating DLosc
@NewPosts This has two downvotes for some reason
Q: AlTeRnAtE tHe CaSe

DJMcMayhemFor today's challenge, you must write a program or function that alternates the case of a string. However, you must ignore non-alphabetic characters. This means that every alphabetic character must have a different case than the preceding and following alphabetic character. This is slightly more ...

Whenever I see challenges involving cases, I remind of the Turkish I problem.
my nomination post is the only one with any downvotes lol
excluding the one with nothing but downvotes
also np at +6/-4
oh yeah
I wonder who my two haters could be
Aanyway votes there have no impact
2 hours later…
@Ginger NP and TESP, presumably
Whoa TIL my $40 flashlight is bright enough to literally burn my skin if I point it at my arm
It takes a few seconds but that's crazy
...why do I have three tabs open on my phone that are just the google results for "isis"
3 hours later…
@mousetail'he-him' Python 3, 51 bytes: from warnings import*;warn(Exception);warn(OSError)
@mousetail'he-him' Python 3, 8 bytes: ""is"\d"
you can just do 0is 1 which I had
I like seeing different novel approaches even if they are not optimal
fair :p
@Neil \d? What's that?
It's nothing so causes a warning
A warning, and not an error?
Yes, it will just print as "\\d"
Huh, weird.
Depends on the python version somewhat though
Q: Three-player rock-paper-scissors... but with Wuxings!

Dannyu NDosObjective Given a list of three Wuxings, compare them in rock-paper-scissors fashion, and output which Wuxing is the winner. Wuxings Wuxings(五行) are the five "elements" in Chinese philosophy. They are Fire(火), Water(水), Wood(木), Metal(金), and Soil(土). Positive actions A positively acted Wuxing ga...

I don't really know what tags are appropriate here, so
@emanresuA I couldn't find a list of warnings, so I used the two I could remember
3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

noodle personCreate an almost-square code-golf Given a positive integer N, output a grid with area N and height and width dimensions as close together as possible, so as for the output to be an almost-square. The output can be a 2d array of characters/numbers/etc. or be a single string of characters separated...

This is a modified version of an old challenge which was recently closed because it had weird unclear bonuses. Is this new version acceptable?
You say it's ok for the output to be transposed, but there is no meaning given to the ranks in the first place right?
No, I'm only saying that to make it clear that the order of the ranks does not matter
Do you know a better way to phrase it?
I think I would say "order of ranks doesn't matter"
I'll add a more wordy explanation too for people who don't know array programming buzzwords :)
Maybe say something like "Either the width or the height can be the bigger number"
The OP of the original quesiton seems to still be active, and edited yesterday. The original may still be fixed
I was going to say "The width and height may be swapped arbitrarily."
Oh, hm, I'll see if they removed the bonuses
It's still probably better to have a new one though, since many answers to that challenge wouldn't be valid anymore
@mousetail'he-him' Looks like very little was changed, other than some rewording of the rules. I think they misunderstood the close reason
The ethics is complex, normally when we repost old challenges it's when the OP hasn't been active for years.
IMHO at least Martijn needs to be made aware we we are considering reposting the challenge and give them the option to post it themselves.
They seem pretty set on wanting patterns so IDK if they are going to be willing to do that
Hi @Martijn, there has been some discussion on posting a new version of your challenge idea, with more clear guidelines and without bonus points. The new version wouldn't include the pattern idea you had because it cannot be objectively determined whether a solution with a pattern is valid or not. I think this challenge is still unlikely to be reopened as the pattern clause is the main thing for it being called off-topic, and reopening it would make all the current solutions invalid. Would you like to post the new challenge? It's currently in the Sandbox on our meta site. — noodle person 11 secs ago
Cool. And I updated the sandbox post wording on the transposing stuff
1 hour later…
Active is a bit more than I am here, but I am active on other SE forums, so I get a notification :)
I remember that at the time I aimed for a beginner-ish challenge, with some motivation to add creative solutions, but 10yr younger me didnt think that through enough :)
As PHPer this site rarely offers a chance for a nice answer, so I kinda stopped
Maybe characterA and if its a perfect square -> use characterB? Or should I just abandon similar ideas?
@rydwolf what'd I do to NP :(
17 hours ago, by Ginger
you dissed the bot
I'd eat margarine for a while if I were you
lest NP exacts buttery revenge
now it's at +9/-3??
I was not expecting to be a controversial candidate
would you like a lyxal seal of approval to improve your chances? :p
can't hurt
one second
@Martijn Unfortunatly, it's really hard to encourage creative solutions without resorting to unobservable requirements
@lyxal hey, this isn't a seal
it's a circle looking thing
You have no idea how much effort it took to erase any traces of it ever being a seal
I don't need PETA hunting me down
ah, of course
@lyxal is it fair to say you went clubbing?
Shhh don't let them know
Animal rights activists are the last thing I want to deal with :p
Because they start snooping around and jeopardising limb stealing operations
Do you test your limbs on animals?
I can neither confirm nor deny that
If y'all keep prying any further, I'll have to turn you into a circle looking thing too
@lyxal my list was too short
2 hours later…
My bad that was New Posts
New posts has +7/-6 now, the tension is audible
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Boo! You got scared!
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer no u
@SandboxPosts Martijn commented that this might be too simple, and I might agree.
I'm considering changing it to "Squarify a string" where you take a string as input and output it as a grid with the dimensions as close together as possible.
(@mousetail'he-him' since you were reviewing it earlier)
Also @Martijn now that I see you've joined the room :)
2 hours later…
Anyone here used lean?
Yeah makes you feel drowsy
@noodleperson how come?
@Simd I was just joking because there's a drug called lean
@noodleperson I didn't know that! Is it a white powder drug or some other sort?
@DLosc That feeling when you're transferring your userscripts to a new computer and you see this header:
// @name         BQN CGCC post
// @description  add CGCC and CMC buttons to the BQN try page for golfers.
// @author       Razetime (modifications by DLosc)
"Lean is a drink typically made from a cocktail of substances including; codeine, promethazine, paracetamol and dextromethorphan"
I knew about Cred from South Park
@Simd Lol it's like cough syrup
It's a drink
@DLosc :(
I should make a similar user script for the Uiua pad maybe
@noodleperson 😁
@DLosc same thing as when I see his answers on the site sometimes
The subtle realisation of "oh, right"
@NewPosts In case anyone is wondering why Air is not amongst the Wuxings, it's probably because ancient Chineses considered air to be a form of qi(气).
That's why gas, in general, is still called qiti(气体).
just watched a repeat of Red Dwarf, but unfortunately the subtitles consistently misspelled silicon as silicone...
Someone must have been wearing a silly cone while doing the subtitles
Is this the right chat to ask casual code golf questions and/or ask for advice on shortening some?
Sure is :p
Neat! I've been making a script to replace each character in a string with R if it was typed by the right hand L if it was typed by the left hand and E if it could be typed by either.

My python code is:
`m="".join("L"if a in"`12345~!@#$%qwertasdfgzxcv"else"E"if a in" b6^"else"R"for a in input().lower())`
Is there a way to get it shorter?
i disagree with b
'RLE'['`12345~!@#$%qwertasdfgzxcv bb66^^'.count(a)]
Oooh, very clever, I like that. It took a while to figure out what it was doing though.
CG is fun because it makes you think so out side the box

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