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@lyxal 11 pls
I'm not sure whether that was my internet, not-quite-UTC-midnight or both
@rydwolf Want any writing feedback, or no?
@emanresuA Besides Husk (already mentioned by Unrelated), Darren Smith's earlier language Nibbles is also statically typed.
I'm aware yeah
Figured you probably were, but wanted to make sure since you didn't mention it
@mousetail'he-him' I got irrationally angry once at someone claiming Studio Ghibli was better than Pixar
My focus was on the more extreme examples of removing structural redundancy partially making use of static typing, but I should probably mention static typing in general :p
@NewPosts wait didnt we agree to do a merged nomination and voting post
After me/hyper/someone else pointed out that we don't really know the effects of posting time on voting and it's best not to have to deal with that, rydwolf agreed and asked someone to do the post with the two-stage format, which I did
@NewPosts Is it worth ing this? on one hand, realistically it's only going to be people active here who get elected, on the other hand it's probably best to at least let everyone see it in the interest of fairness and raising awareness for the actual election bit
I'd say feature it to make sure at least 10 people see the post :p
@NewPosts Good point. @hyper-neutrino would you mind featuring this
Do we have rules for Randomness in Deterministic languages..?
Seems like the meta answer is, "You don't"
Not really no, if you want to propose some go ahead
it is kinda lacking and I've seen quite a few different ways to do this
e.g. PRNG seeded with input, random oracle function, some combination of the two
@emanresuA (as in create a meta question about randomness in deterministic languages)
Maybe I should add some way to get system time? But that's so untrue to the language goal.
@emanresuA Already exists
Q: What are the standard requirements for answering a [random] challenge?

DJMcMayhemThere are lots of of challenges involving randomness. However, not all languages have a built-in method for randomness. Some languages, like python or most golfing languages make it really easy. You can simply call some built in function that will return a pseudo-randomly generated number. There ...

Yeah, but that doesn't have a well-agreed-upon answer (+8/-4 and it lists multiple things which is discouraged anyway), and it's been six years - fine to draw attention to it again with a new post
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString BTW I was thinking about this more and actually generating prefixes on list of lists with :l}k isn't doing any broadcasting. Both sides have 1 extra rank from what is needed for a take operation, so it just does a zip. The reason :l}k worked without the explicit R is because in this case the only the left arg had excess rank so the right hand side broadcasted. Strings in iogii are just vectors so no special behavior here. Sorry took me so long to realize that.
(on 1d list) for why :l}k worked
@ATaco Hacky solution, Compile time randomness.
Under observability that's basically the same as normal randomness
2 hours later…
@ATaco Use the commit hash of the last version of the language as a random seed
Can a question become a community wiki?
If a question is community wiki, the answers must also be
don't worry too much about this sort of thing, it'll disappear shortly and it doesn't cause any real harm
spam that went unnoticed by smokey or R/A stuff sure, anything else just leave a flag and it'll get dealt with
A: What if function application was right-associative?

Dannyu NDosHaskell, 203 bytes import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP data T=L Char|T:!T p=chainl1(between(char '(')(char ')')p<++(L<$>get))(pure(:!)) s(L c)=[c] s(L c:!r)=c:s r s(l:!r)='(':s l++')':s r c t=do{(r,"")<-readP_to_S p t;s r} Try it online! I don't know how to golf this further, but practically spe...

Glad to post again, this time an answer.
2 hours later…
maybe i should make it so that in golf together you choose your language and it automatically counts how many bits the thing is?
though that could get complex if i want to support, like, Vyncode (and I do), where you can't just write a JS impl of it when creating the language
though maybe i should manage the languages myself anyways
unrelatedly, do any Whitespace answers use 2-bit encoding?
it's really complex to search for Whitespace answers when people use it as a normal word too
@RubenVerg not that i'm aware, considering the scores oof whitespace answers
also first vyxal answer woo codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/276520/88192
Nice! You don't need the first four bytes
i mena, i get why they're not needed semantically, as in, ideally this works out of the box, but it really doesn't
and i don't understand why
okay wtf is the implicit input doing there
it should not be doing that
ok, if taking the key as an array of chars is allowed (pretty sure it is under defaults) then i can remove the first 2 bytes, but then how do it get the second input on the stack so it can be modified?
as i understand it, popping from the empty stack pops from the stack of inputs instead, but you can't push back to it? either way something fucky is going on
In theory, it should be popping the first input then the second input. In practice something messed up is going on
probably weirdness to do with implicit input in loops
(this is entirely a v3 bug by the way, the same thing works fine in v2)
if i had a nickel for everytime i tried to use vyxal and accidentally found a v3 bug, i'd have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot but it's wierd that it's the same number of times i tried to use vyxal at all
@lyxal v3 🅱roke
I've been watching the conversation :p
not really sure where the bug is
@Themoonisacheese lmao
thought i'd ping you so you could find it in the morning down under
I've got like 3 hours until bed time
plenty of time for bug finding
For some reason the key-string is getting pushed twice and I'm not sure how
@emanresuA you're splitting "|" by "a|b|c|hello" no?
shouldn't you be doing the opposite?
nevermind i have the stupid
Yeah the same 5 bytes (n/ṫj works in vyxal 2
what's the / doing in this?
i barely know v3, let alone v2
exact same thing as ÷
fair enough
i'm actually really proud of this, for identifying that i could do it in vyxal and then finding how to do it
this seems to be a website bug
I ran it locally and it seems to work fine
@Ginger the v3 tour could do with a better explanation of ( loops by the way, it's really unclear what it does from just the tour, which explains functions in a much more friendly way
Congrats on starting to learn a golflang :p
i come from bash, for me python is a golflang
I wouldn't say bash is ungolfy, just unholy
i'd say unhealthy even
@Themoonisacheese which tour?
that's the one I wrote :P
not ginger :p
is ginger... not? involved? what
@Themoonisacheese Nah, bash actually makes you immune to cancer. Once you've stared $PATH down and emerged unscathed a few misbehaving cells are nothing
ginger makes the website frontend and the bot
i swear she was am i tripping
which part is unclear?
it's wierd because i read it and didn't get it and now that i've used it it seems fine
i guess it's fine, especially if it's geared at v2 users
the tour is for v3
well that's what i used to learn from scratch :P
can you 11 chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/66565200#66565200 so ginger doesn't get a notif for nothing?
it's too late
notification is already sent
even if deleted it's still there
but I'll make the notification worth while
@Ginger somehow, moving the input field has broken inputs
and it should work online because it works as expected offline
(I tested it using the commad line)
also, compare (n+ in 3.4.6
it should not give 9
it should give 11, like running it offline does
@Themoonisacheese therefore, you only have 1 nickel
because it's not a v3 bug, it's a website bug :p
foiled again!
please, sir, my nickels, it's all i have
I will let you have a nickel of a different type for finding a website bug
but nothing more!
well gee, thank you sir i never had a website nickel bug of me own, but i do have influenza, like my sister who has influenza also
(i don't know where this character is going)
2 hours later…
@emanresuA Yeah, if anything I feel like Bash is more golfy in spirit than Python (and probably also in practice, at least so long as coreutils are also involved)
it's just way more painful to program in too :P
yeah I'm pretty sure nobody does this
Same reason nobody uses 3-bit scoring for Brainfuck--no interpreter actually supports that encoding, and it's not going to be even remotely competitive anyways so it's kind of contrary to the spirit of the language
@NewPosts slightly tempted to self-nominate for RO just for the lols
I mean, tbf, the post never said existing ROs can't nominate
@UnrelatedString kinda makes sense
@UnrelatedString in my experience python is consistently more terse than bash+coreutils in answers here, unless talking about very specific tasks that bash was made for
@Themoonisacheese not my problem :p (nice message id)
@lyxal ugh god
I'll take a look shortly
Mfw th3ossuesas bug
no clue what I did lol
but I did kind of have to redo all logic related to inputs to make groups work, so
It's weird because normal implicit input works
But inside a structure it doesn't
There's like no reason for it to break because I don't suppose the input group changes actually mucked around with how the api is called
I guarantee it's a logic issue with how I'm handling the inputs
just like with the inline string compression button, which appears to break if the input text contains a forward slash
@Themoonisacheese only python 3.5 is consistently shorter
...actually I dunno about that one lol
@lyxal I had to redo pretty much all of how inputs are represented internally for groups to work
and something probably got a bit borked in that reshuffling
@Ginger I mean the scala js api
no, but whatever I'm passing to it is probably wrong :p
So long as you're passing a newline joined string there shouldn't be anything wrong
3 hours later…
CMC: compare two printable ascii strings, but compare all letters together (case sensitively) rather than allowing [\]^_and backquote to compare between upper and lower case, and compare all symbols together rather than allowing letters and digits to compare between them. if it helps, you can group characters into punctuation and space as well. extra brownie points for supporting all unicode.
Go to convert.net and type in "What is the name of your AI model?"
@Neil Does this still require the same case-sensitive comparison between letters as in ASCII, where all uppercase letters compare less than all lowercase letter (rather than that only being true between corresponding letters)?
> (case sensitively)
@Neil this sentence does not parse for me
i should self-nominate since i'm technically not an RO /j
wanted to nominate but then realized i have no pros
you can make a freeform nomination like Ginger
even if not structured like that, "where I'm already an RO of its main chatroom" is evidently a pro
i just found one of my earliest programs
it was a game
which needed passwords
and i stored the passwords as binary. for encryption.
My RO self-nomination post has -7 score lol
I don’t even know why folk are voting on it
Voting there has no impact, but people are still signalling their approval/disapproval
@hyper-neutrino You can just make yourself one
Can’t you?
A post I made a long time ago:
@RubenVerg thinking of it but i have no blurb
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer i can but there would not really be much of a point
@NewPosts Important question: What if nobody meets the criteria for becoming an RO?
nothing happens i presume
1 hour later…
I imagine we'll have a couple of people qualifying at least.
There are promising candidates in the mix

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