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@UnrelatedString I was thinking about the broadcasting from 1d to 2d or 2d to 3d. My reasoning for the current behavior is that by repeating at the highest rank it reduces the chance of needing to use two chars R,. Although I think repeating at the lowest rank might be more intuitive/useful.
@UnrelatedString For your case: "asdf","123";Rl}k gets what you want, and would be the default case if I did it the other way. But if you wanted it the way the it is now and I changed it, then you would need to do ;R, any thoughts?
@DarrenSmith Repeating at the lowest rank definitely does feel more intuitive to me
@UnrelatedString I've flip flopped on this so many times... I think I agree, but I'll change it and test it out on a bunch of examples and see how often that made things worse
Makes sense!
Definitely the best way to make design decisions :P
@noodleperson This is why I commited apostasy.
Does remind me, it wouldn't save anything here, but if double commas end up being necessary somewhere else often enough it might be worth thinking about reworking the caps/commas system somewhat so that, say, caps means unvectorize once and comma means unvectorize twice--so R, becomes r,, R,, becomes R,, etc. and there's no redundancy
but that also feels like a bit of excessive/overly-golfy complexity
Yeah I think it would theoretically be better, but so far hasn't come up. It isn't really more complicated but I do like people not having to use the capitalization system at all if they don't want to. I'll make a note though could be worth changing
Could also keep the current behavior for verbose tokens but change it for single chars, but that probably would be confusing
6 hours later…
I got a solution to the last APL Challenge which works fine in the playground but the site fails it :(
Might be invisible chars?
or trailing spaces ?
You need a capital X
The x in the monospace font used really does not look like a capital
4 hours later…
Q: Number of complete binary unordered tree-factorizations of n

Sophia AntipolisFor prime p, the factorization tree is a single vertex in just one way so that a(p) = 1. For composite n, the two subtrees at n are a split of n into two factors n = d * (n/d), without order, so that a(n) = Sum_{d|n, 2 <= d <= n/d} a(d)*a(n/d). a(1) = 1 is by convention, reckoning 1 as having a ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Benjamin WangIf this question were a question on this site, should it be tagged restricted-source or code-challenge, or something else? https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/129034/an-extremely-simple-programming-language/129041#129041 Assume we have added objective constraints and scoring function so ...

3 hours later…
I'm scared for Tuesday
I'm predicting like 60/40 on Trump winning
I've got friends who are trans, I've got friends who are undocumented immigrants, I've got friends whose parents re undocumented immigrants. Like I also have this definite fear over things like democracy, but it's suddenly very real
@emanresuA We can do separate posts I guess
but yeah like...I think the harris campaign has been doing a pretty shit job
They're letting the other side define the conversation on basically every issue
On immigration they're straight up just like "yeah we hate immigrants too, and we're almost as good at it!"
and despite the economy being the issue more people care about than anyone else, including like all of the swing voters, they've just let the republicans do their normal bullshit on that and barely challenged it
Wow yeah yikes
I mean, they rightfully criticized trump's tariff thing, but that's like one offhand comment
You'd think that would be like the ONE thing they'd double down on
considering basically every other issue is like
already polarized just by Trump existing
Like for once culture war shit isn't what everyone's talking about and they've just thrown away the opportunity
Like they could just ignore everything else because anyone who cares more about most other things is going to see their vote as for Trump or for Not-Trump
I'm honestly not too worried on the election-denial front, since it seems like a lot of their strategies are just 2020-on-steroids, and people are getting ready to fight back. But a straight up trump victory is decently likely IMO
I feel like the election-denial fears might even be somewhat fabricated just to suppress voter turnout πŸ’€
Oh interesting, that's not a take I've heard yet
Just something I thought of right now
@rydwolf maybe it'll be fine...?
all we can do is hope
a trump victory sure wouldn't be good for me!
My egg may have genuinely picked the worst possible time to crack
But at least there's some safety net in state governments. maybe
funny how that happens
Maybe It'll Be Fine
took me a sec to parse that as a metaphor lol
insert terminology familiarity xkcd
@Ginger Maybe, and I really really really hope so
"queer terminology is so second nature to us transfems that it's easy to forget the average person only knows the names of one or two sexualities"
@rydwolf yeah :/
genuinely idk what I'll do in the event of a Trump victory
probably just carry on with life and hope in vain nothing terrible happens
I sure love hanging in the balance between slow, agonizing progress and a quick and sudden descent into horror
so true
I guess the silver lining to not having started HRT yet is not having to be afraid of suddenly stopping it :P
What are y'all's reads on what JD Vance would do if trump died and he took office?
@rydwolf this is a terrifying prospect
trump is incompetent and malicious, vance is competent and malicious
and like even if Harris wins there's still gonna be unrest
Really? The read I've gotten on vance is that he's just power-hungry. Like, I think he's only doing the maga stuff to use trump as a way to get to power, I feel like he'd be more of a traditional social conservative if left to his own devices
@rydwolf I honestly don't have a very strong impression of him overall, but I feel optimistically like at least some of the crazy shit he'd try to do would not actually succeed
Without Trump's charisma or cult of personality he definitely wouldn't be as much of a "strong leader" in general
@rydwolf I think he would be far more effective at actually doing the various things Trump promises than Trump himself
but also yeah that
though there's always the possibility that enough trump-centric superstructure has been built up that it could carry on without trump himself
@Ginger I feel like he wouldn't want to though
hopefully we won't have to find out!
He'd at least be willing to to secure continued support from the MAGA platform
@Ginger the upside is that we're at least a bit more prepared this year
No real reason not to
I doubt we'll get a repeat of jan 6, at least
Mostly off topic but I've been thinking about a backup career plan
If I do biochem, what if I went to med school and became a doctor
I feel like there's lots of opportunity for a large impact if I went into things like gender/trans stuff
There are also combined MD+JD programs if I really wanted to pursue the president thing in parallel lol
@rydwolf if you did this there would be a nonzero possibility that you could handle my HRT, which would be extremely funny
and in worst case scenarios, if HRT was illegal or something, being both a doctor and a lawyer, and someone very willing to do illegal things, would be a valuable set of traits
My only worry with pursuing the doctor thing is that I can't really change my mind. It would require enough time commitment that I'd hit a point where it's that or the old dream, no real way to pursue both
Like, I'd have to drop ROTC, for one
And I'd have to do clinical experience stuff in college
in your position? I would do it
That could be a positive development :P
...I think I'm going to email my advisor
I would take a large chance at improving the world a little bit over a small chance of improving the world a lot
And also yeah don't you kinda resent how much the military trajectory constrains your self-expression
...yeah good idea
@Ginger this is something I needed to hear
I am going to give myself 48 hours to think this over
I tend to behave in a utilitarian fashion, to be fair
@rydwolf implying your advisor isn't going to take a week to respond
I did not realize how much weight this path has put on my shoulders
i almost just started crying lmao
I had a joke about free will but maybe this is not the time
maybe deciding at 16 years old I must be the most powerful person in the world was not healthy
Eh, I feel like that's a fairly natural thing to grow in and out of
And conversely it doesn't mean there's anything immature about you for having actually followed through on keeping the option open
You're just cool like that
it feels very silly emailing my advisor to let her know that I "no longer plan on being president of the united states" and we must "plan accordingly"
You could just say your political ambitions have waned
I do still think I might pursue that, but definitely not from the ROTC angle
Yeah there's all kinds of ways you can flex into a smaller scale political career
I've been trying to be someone I'm really not to get there but I think just doing what strikes a genuine balance between enjoyable and impactful and going from there is a much better strategy
You can even have a large scale impact through advocacy without holding any office at all
this is true
@rydwolf πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚
"TNB changes the entire course of my life" was not on my to-do list today but I'll take it
@rydwolf honestly Vance would be a lot better than trump imo
@rydwolf this
it would be funny if we don't have free will and this is the universe where you would've become president had I not said anything
casually changing the course of history
okay so I have 48 hours to come up with the funniest possible fake reason for leaving ROTC
unspecified incident involving a cat and Donald Trump
which is technically true
SE chat would have been discontinued 5 years ago if a rogue time traveler hadn't determined that anonymous bribes to keep it online weren't the simplest and most effective way to erase the Tosh presidency from history
@Ginger YES
Actually that's pretty good..."I'm quitting" sounds WEAK and PATHETIC while "unspecified incident" sounds MYSTERIOUS and SUBVERSIVE
actually I guess this means I can do something I've wanted to do for a long time
"more pressing matters require my attention. farewell"
We have to report interactions with the police (tickets, arrests, etc.), which they call "civil involvements"
And I've been wanting to ask "is it still a civil involvement if I run from the cops but they don't catch me?"
which ofc I'd never do if I actually planned on continuing with the program lmao
okay so now the real question: do I still go for a russian degree if I'm not doing rotc?
I really like my planned schedule for next semester, but it's more than half russian classes
It'll be fun
You can also decide to drop it later if it ends up not working for you
yeah, it's more just, if I take a bunch of those classes now, then drop it, I wasted an opportunity to take a bunch of chem and other assorted classes
You could try to put together an alternate schedule that mixes more chem in and weigh the specifics
@rydwolf knowing a second language is good
A lot of the classes for the Russian major would be more than just language
and IMO russian is an interesting language (yes im biased but still)
and also if you can find the motivation then learning outside a classroom setting can be comparable if not better
But classrooms also give you unique opportunities that pure self-study has nothing like
and for some reason theres like 3 russian speakers here and in the discord
@UnrelatedString yeah, I'll probably still take the language ones
ykw yeah I think I'll stick with russian, or at least some sort of language/writing/humanities major
okay so I think I'll act like everything is normal with ROTC, ask the question about running from the cops on thursday, then let everyone know on Friday that I'm leaving due to the unspecified cat+trump incident
that also gives me time to change my mind lol
Sounds good!
@rydwolf Pick some war movie where one of the soldiers gets into trouble with their drill sergeant at boot camp or something. Pretend that's your story. If anyone challenges you, dig in and deny every having seen that movie, insist that you truly did, say, steal your ROTC instructor's motorbike and crashed it into his house or something
"I fell asleep on night watch duty"
@rydwolf Oh I like this
ooh if I can make the implication that the running from cops was also part of the cat+trump incident, even better
alternatively, they've seen my AFOQT scores now, so what if I make them try to beg for me to stay
2 hours later…
@mousetail'he-him' Ah, I can make the checker ignore case. Thanks!
1 hour later…
@mousetail'he-him' ↑ is now live.
CMQ I have a full rank binary matrix. I have one sort of operation which is to add one row to another. I want to transform the matrix so that there is one 1 per row . How can I find the minimum number of operations needed to do that? All addition is mod 2
Is there a polynomial time algorithm for this?
I just spent half an hour doing the math to determine if a 1:1 mix of pepsi and milk would hydrate you or not, based on its osmolarity and that of urine
(The answer is it would, just not very well)
...Wait, is normal Pepsi actually net dehydrating
This is what I get for questioning the correctness of an article titled "pilk in the anthropocene"
Or is it just really really close
because I feel like I've
It's net hydrating
I regret learning about the existence of pilk
I feel like I've heard of people who refuse to drink water and subsist entirely on soda
But it's like half the osmolarity of urine/seawater (which are strangely close)
and they probably die at like 40 from other problems with that
so you're getting way less water than if you just drank the water component of it
but I assumed they still did get more or less hydrated
@rydwolf makes sense, the ocean is made of fish pee
@rydwolf lmao
@rydwolf oh and it's subtitled "A modern dialectic of oppression"
if I had a nickel for every conversation I am observing from a safe distance with PPE on where urine has been brought up, I would have two nickels
but ure not actively participating
> Whenever I pull up to a function, and I see that there is Pepsi present, many may recall me boldly inquiring, β€œwhere the milk at?”.
> I have concluded that there is no such thing as a radical negation of this dialectic specifically, but there are two possible proceedings. We as a society can alter our interpretation of the world and the diversity of human culture in a more post-structuralist manner: viewing the act of drinking pilk through a more quasi-anthropological lens, such that we embrace cultural relativity as a maxim to live by, and entirely reject any notion of objectivity.
@rydwolf tuff
@rydwolf this is god's work
@Simd this should be closely related to finding its inverse
@att I did wonder about that.I could compute the inverse but then what?
one way to compute an inverse is to perform row operations on an augmented matrix
@att yes. That's the way I know to compute the inverse
But is that going to be the smallest number of row operations possible?
@emanresuA this is why they gave us r/a flags in chat
I did not need to know pilk existed
It's an abuse of my sanity and confidence in society to not do silly food things
@Simd that is why i say related
@att I think it's a good idea

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