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@AshwinGupta use svg so you can use the entire dom, but get drawing functionalities
@Dennis If M is a math thing, why does it still have a dictionary ?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yeah! (at least the config.ini)
@Downgoat :O does that one op I defined work?
20 hours ago, by GamrCorps
My main problem would be that I would try to use calculus when there is a simple algebra way to do it, but it definitely helps to rederive stuff.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ idk yet. It's able to retrieve the package but that's about all I've done. I'll work on it some more tonight
OK, what the heck
How on earth can this not work anymore
@Downgoat oh okay
@AlexA. @QPaysTaxes it happened ^^^^^
@GamrCorps ?
I used too much calculus....
oh no
you should've used too much set theory
@GamrCorps no such thing :P
Ohhhh I'm dumb
@Dennis One last pull. Sorry about this
that is so funny ^
@GamrCorps Did you get marked down for it?
(If so, that's some serious BS)
nah, I just overly complicated the problem and lost a bunch of time
^ Me during every exam I've ever taken
what was the problem?
How juic avocad, obviously. It can only be solved with AP-level physics.
I don't even remember, it was something to do with interpreting the graph of a Force vs Time graph and doing something with it
@AlexA. clearly, it takes quantum physics
Quantum juic
@AlexA. -1 not enough set theory
@AlexA. juic theory
all particles are tiny avocads which release juic which we see as energy
You sir have blown my mind
@quartata Done. No problem.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ M's current status is: forked from Jelly, switched eval and a couple of math functions to SymPy, broke many things in the progress.
@Dennis Oh, I see. :P
@Dennis why don't you just use sympy in Jelly?
is it cuz speed? shouldn't really matter for golfing
in Jelly, Feb 26 at 19:46, by Dennis
43 seconds to sum the inverses of the first 10,000 natural numbers...
@Maltysen A lot of math challenges nowadays have time limits annoyingly
It's a good thing in some ways in that it prevents dumb brute force solutions
but it's somewhat annoying for golfing languages
Jelly is already slow. All that automatic vectorization...
And it's written in Python
That doesn't help, yeah. And my implementation is pretty terrible.
but it wins
@El'endiaStarman that's the practice I'm trying to get rid of
@Downgoat What's Cheddar's function type called?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ CheddarFunction and CheddarLambda
and its .value is the actual function right?
okay thanks
that should return a JS function
cheddar integrates with js?
no, I'm dev'ing
@Downgoat Do I export a JS function for a library, or a cheddar one?
writing libraries requires going into js?
I'm writing a library in JS
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ export the JS function which handles the behavior
@Maltysen Not in O, in JS.
@Downgoat So, this is written correctly?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what do you mean?
@Downgoat bad joke :P
though you can just do:
export default (LHS, RHS) => {
	if(LHS === null){ // monadic case
			case "Number":
				return Math.max.apply(null, [...RHS.value].map(Number));
			case "String":
				return String.fromCharCode(Math.max.apply(null, [...RHS.value].map(e => e.charCodeAt())));
			case "Array":
				return Math.max.apply(null, RHS.value.map(e => typeof e === "string" ? e.charCodeAt() : e));
why have ogt =?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ fixed
I have to go get some stuff done... bai
My word gen is working nicely:
be - ceqxi
have - lowqi
do - doswi
say - howxi
get - kuszi
make - tewqi
go - kuxwi
know - piwsi
take - juzzi
see - hysqi
come - desxi
think - jizfi
look - roxqi
want - myxsi
give - giwqi
use - koqxi
find - jiwxi
tell - tezzi
ask - beszi
work - moxzi
seem - hufzi
feel - juxxi
try - jywzi
leave - reqxi
call - dozfi
@NathanMerrill So you can't describe the vertices of a triangle as v1, v2, v3, but must instead use a list, or use words?
(Those are the 25 most common verbs, by the way)
I think I'll have two different knows though.
(like most languages)
@quartata is this for your conlang?
@Maltysen Yeah.
Need to add some nouns and make sure I've got the grammar down but it's coming along a lot more easily than I thought
@El'endiaStarman vertices are unordered, so I'd use a list or tuple for them
Looks good for poetry
@NathanMerrill They're not unordered if you're talking graphics and normals.
@quartata all the verbs look to be in the same form: CVCCi is that intended?
I'm no expert in that field, but if the points are different, then I imagine that they are named
yes (the last letter is tense by the way)
@Maltysen Now that you've mentioned that, I'm pretty sure that the -i marks a verb.
Oooh, I was close.
a is past i is present u is future
@NathanMerrill Named? Well, any vertex can be the first, but which vertex is next determines the direction that the normal points.
@Downgoat kk
In any case, I fear that decisions like these will make people not want to use your language. The "give the programmer more power" part is actually not what I quote that quote for, it's the "don't treat your users like they're stupid" part.
@quartata you have a regular be verb?
It also is a sort of attitudinal for nouns too, although it doesn't change. -a nouns are things from the past or associated with it, like a museum. -u is something like a time machine
@Maltysen yes
@quartata how'd you gen the words?
@quartata are the -ow's (e.g. lowki) pronounced like "low" in english, or lao?
@Maltysen No idea. I primarily intend this to be a written language.
ceqxi please make the c "hard"
@El'endiaStarman perhaps. Couldn't the points be named origin and direction
My belief is that programmers are lazy, so enforcing good, consistent style results in better code.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ For each verb I iterated through all possible words and if the first two letters matched or the first letter of the verb cyclically transliterated from a-z to bcdghjklmnprtv matched the first letter of the word I added it to a lst. I then randomly choosed from the list at the end
I'd show you the code but it's fugly and I'm not proud of it
@Downgoat Is the c9 still the best place to test cheddar code?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That's what she said?
@Geobits what does the "c" refer to in this context? I'm confused
@Maltysen Don't you c?
@Maltysen It's a rooster
@Maltysen can I make these w/ gimp?
@AshwinGupta no not like that
you can embed svg tags directly inside html <svg></svg>
Does anybody know what this whole "Solver and COPPA" thing that's going on, which I've heard referenced a couple times?
ah, so I have to write the images w/ code basically?
and you can manipulate with all your dom stuff
eh [cringe]
but you can still use your current images
so much.... work...
@quartata Helpful resources: semantic primes, Swadesh list
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ strawpoll.me/10123575
@AshwinGupta no, you're misunderstanding
@Maltysen how, can I auto convert to svg?
@Doorknob Swadesh list ≈ Swedish fish?
@HelkaHomba o_O
@AshwinGupta no, you keep you png images
@Maltysen I think I must be.
Oh okay.
@HelkaHomba $_$
And just reference them in the tags?
@AshwinGupta the svg is for your game playing field
Well yeah that I can do
@PhiNotPi Solver was a user of this site, and their accounts got deleted because they were underage.
Its already programmed anyway.
@Doorknob Ooh thanks
Ok I'll add that also to my TODO
@AshwinGupta like what downgoat was saying with using html instead of canvas, except svg gives you more stuff and speed
@El'endiaStarman Okay
@Maltysen right, I've got to do that and use requestanimationframe
@NathanMerrill How does allowing numbers in variable names run counter to good, consistent style or how is it poor code?
@Sp3000 Bad poll actually since different browsers may bias people
Ah :P
Bias people by using terrible fonts you mean?
Yes. Silly Strawpoll+Chrome
poor V_V
I like the font. It has a whimsical, almost comic feel to it. I shall use it for everything.
At least its not Comic Sans or Papyrus

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