GitHub changed the way they display tabs: now they're 4-space width equivalent, whereas they used to be 8. :( I prefer 8 so I know when I'm looking at garbage.
@Sp3000 for the number 6105000, at first it looks like it's optimal to do [0, 0, 5, 4, -1, -5, -4, 1] (coefficients of 1, 11, ...), but [0, 0, -5, -5, 0, 5, 5, 0] has smaller cost (100 rather than 102)
@Downgoat Node uses brackets to show certain types of objects. For example entering in (function(){}) will print back out [Function] in the REPL. Is that it?
@Sp3000 i think I can show that you should never have any coeffs with abs of 6 or higher except in the 1's digit place (where it's 7 or higher), and that no 5 should ever precede a negative and no -5 should precede a positive
Try running it in sudo; you can't make a folder. Error handlers are built to return multiple errors, the braces are just in a few levels of error handling