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1:29 PM
Positioning of the tribush makes a huge difference in toplane.
I wonder if the winrate would change if they swapped pick/ban order?
there are a few theories. It's certainly a factor but the tribush on toplane makes a huge difference when it comes to ganks. And top is a strong role atm
Yeah, it's so much easier to be ganked on red side.
Theoretically that means blue botlane is more easily ganked than red, but you have 2 people to deal with ganks in that lane.
Also botlane doesn't have that much "uncontrollable" push
If I'm playing red kayle I can't play aggressively because I'm so vunlerable to ganks. Simply because my E pushes automatically
While on blue I can just push the wave in all day and outscale the opponent while staying safe
That's why Rumble's disparity is so large.
Yep that's another good example
1:40 PM
I mean, they could mirror the map so that either both tribushes are top or both tribushes are bot.
And maybe increase the spawn rate of blast plants in the botlane.
That would be a huge change. This might have a bigger impact than some hardcore balance changes to everything
I really dislike re-learing the game every season :P
I'm still only learning how to use the plants correctly
@Jutschge Yeah, it might cause the pick/ban order to be the new "side advantage".
Also there's the UI issue. When playing a high range character you're usually better off playing on blue than on red
I suddenly can't remember, does blue side or red side pick first?
The range thing is a huge pain for me because I play with locked camera like 90% of the time
1:44 PM
Hmm... on the one hand, that allows red side to have more opportunity to counterpick. On the other hand, blue side can first pick more OP champs.
Not sure what they could do to fix the UI.
Put them on the sides instead of at the bottom?
That would mostly have a big impact on competitive. In soloqueue picking "op" champs isn't that important
Well played off-meta champ > average playing OP champ
unless it's Riven!
2:02 PM
Apparently, Riot places higher elo players on red side?
That's not how you solve this...
wait whut?
source on that?
Reddit comments so dubious at best.
also this shouldn't be a difference unless you're like master or challenger
Hmm never trust reddit...
6 hours later…

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