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3:37 AM
anyone up for a game?
I'll play one.
Or try to, anyway. My connection's pretty shoddy tonight.
@OrigamiRobot will be home shortly to play
Sounds good. Just wanna wait for him?
k I'll use this time to figure out which of my new champions I want to play.
3:54 AM
Broke down and bought Nautilus
Seems fun
@Rapida I'm looking at him in the shop right now...
I'm bad with him, but seems strong
I have the RP to buy him. But I'm trying to decide if I'd rather get someone else. x_x
@IanPugsley mumble?
9 hours later…
1:05 PM
@FallenAngelEyes Beat it already?
@Tristan Just finished, yeah
I still haven't finished the first chapter. <.< I got sucked into playing LoL last night. Then I took a nap. lol
What'd you think?
I don't think I can say anything until you've finished it yourself
Fair enough. I'll try and get through it today. =P
Just... follow the paths, listen to the audio, let yourself be absorbed by the atmosphere
1:10 PM
That's what I've been doing so far. I find myself zooming in every ~10 seconds just checking the textures of things. I also tried swimming out to the wrecked ship in the first chapter. It didn't work.
Yeah, same
2:03 PM
@FallenAngelEyes Finished!
2:17 PM
@Tristan You may be interested in the answer I just posted then!
@FallenAngelEyes Posted on your question? I still only see that one guys answer.
@Tristan Nay, I answered the other question someone had
@FallenAngelEyes Ooh. Okay. I'll check it out now.
Well done! =D
So yeah... That game, if you can call it that, was outstanding.
@Tristan Yeah, I'm kind of at a loss for how to describe it
@FallenAngelEyes An interactive narrative. =P
The only thing more amazing than the landscape was the music.
2:26 PM
@Tristan Well yeah, but I mean like... the rest of the experience
It's definitely a unique experience that should be played, but I can see a lot of people being turned off by the $10 price tag.
I took over 50 screenshots, lol
Caaaaves sooooooo preeeeeeeettyyyy
I didn't want to leave the caves! When everything faded into view, I said out loud, "Oh wow." Had the mouth agape and everything!
@FallenAngelEyes Feel like getting the FWotD?
@Tristan Writing up another question right now, but I'll be free in a little bit (10 minutes or so).
3:10 PM
@Tristan Done now, sorry for the wait. Also you should check out that question, as I'm not sure if you noticed this. <_<
@FallenAngelEyes I did. It's gonna be a few minutes though. <.< Wipqozn is beta testing the secret project Origami and I did in Minecraft.
3:34 PM
@Tristan Still not done?
@RonanForman Almost
2 hours later…
5:32 PM
@FallenAngelEyes I didn't even see this under Features when I bought Dear Esther, "Every play-through a unique experience, with randomly generated audio, visuals and events"
5:48 PM
@Tristan Hrm. I didn't see that either, and I asked a question about it.
@FallenAngelEyes I know. But I think your question is still valid. You're asking how much changes.
Also, your circles are not nearly freehand enough.
@Tristan I did freehand arrows, which I usually don't do, so that's good enough :P
@FallenAngelEyes I suppose. I just got dive bombed by a seagull in the lighthouse. <.<
lol that happened to me too
Does this make sense to either of you?
Q: The Support's Duel: Sona vs. Alistar

PifMeisterSo i just played a match, I'm usually AP mid but this has nothing to do with the question... The thing is, that bot AD was completely underfarmed, jungler had to help them a lot and me too. They said that Alistar was completly stopping AD farm, and that our Sona didn't help to much. So Alistar is...

6:02 PM
@OrigamiRobot I...
peers really hard
Q: The Support's Duel: Sona vs. Alistar

PifMeisterSo i just played a match, I'm usually AP mid but this has nothing to do with the question... The thing is, that bot AD was completely underfarmed, jungler had to help them a lot and me too. They said that Alistar was completly stopping AD farm, and that our Sona didn't help to much. So Alistar is...

@StackExchange I know, right?
I think somewhere, deep in there, is how Sona can lane effectively against Alistar, but I'm... I'm not sure if this is an actual question. I think it's almost a big generous to say that's what they're asking.
@FallenAngelEyes That's what I was thinking... I can't even tell what they're trying to ask.
That's pretty much what the question is - how can Sona support face Alistar support
6:07 PM
Alistar is a fairly tanky support, isn't he?
Aye, has lots of CC and a heal as well
Good morning afternoon @GraceNote
Gaftoon, @Origami
Hmm, Sona should win that lane pretty easily if they avoid alistar's engages. That's the problem with Alistar, he has to go all in while Sona can poke them out of lane
(IMO and all that)
So, don't get heabutt+pulverize combo, use sona's passive. Win lane?
Ok so I'm about to submit this edit:
> So I just played a match. The thing is the person playing AD on bottom was completely underfarmed, and I and the jungler had to help them a lot. They said that the Alistar they were laning against was completely stopping their farm, and that our Sona didn't help too much. So Alistar is a great support, but what should a Sona in this case actually do? How can they punish him with success?
6:10 PM
I just feel like he's not really giving all the details... Is Alistar laning with an AD carry? Is said carry squishy? Would it then be better to focus fire the squishy, ignoring Alistar as best you can?
@GraceNote You are very "efficient" in your words.
Yea, it would be much easier to answer to know both sides AD carry and jungle
Supports alone don't win/lose the lane, synergy is really important on bottom lane
@Tristan I'm expecting this to be looking at the current meta, so both are laning with a typical AD Carry probably.
I submitted that edit, so hopefully it's a bit more clear
I'd recommend asking those questions to the OP in a comment
I wasn't sure what else to name the question though
I think Duel of the Supports has a better ring to it. =P
6:18 PM
What determines whether a champion is squishy?
@OrigamiRobot Their health. A lot of AD carries start with very low health.
Is it definable?
What do you mean?
Everyone has low health to start with.
Squishy depends on a couple things to me. Starting items, base health/mr/armor, and built in escapes
6:19 PM
Squishy usually means that they don't have long lastability under battle damage.
Doran's give 100 more health so automatically less squishy than boots start, but less escape
So for example, Kog'Maw is squishy because his natural armor, MR, and health are all fairly low, and he has no natural defensive abilities. That's why building AP actually helps him in survivability, by improving his ability to kill things before they come in range
He added a comment. Alistar was supporting for Caitlyn.
And the only thing to save his life is that slime trail
@Tristan Caitlyn!
6:20 PM
Now I can see a definite issue. Caitlyn has the highest base range, so she could potentially keep Sona at a distance.
Cait is really strong early so that's part of the problem
Comparatively, Graves is not so squishy because of his passive and his natural defensive stats aren't too shabby, either.
Sounds like our sona+tris lane should of just been playing really defensive. Warding the side bushes to stop ali headbutt pulverize and waiting to late game where tristana owns caitlyn
Let me rephrase: is "What makes a champion squishy?" an answerable question?
@OrigamiRobot Depending on the body of the question, it's "Very answerable" to "May be pretty in-depth".
6:23 PM
@GraceNote And could potentially lead to opinionated debate. <.<
@Tristan This is my concern.
If one looks less at specifics and more at just the general nature of "Being squishy", it isn't too polarizing.
I wouldn't really know how to answer it beyond pointing out what factors into squishiness
I don't know enough about terminology and the game in general to know how to make it a better question.
@Rapida I think focusing on the factors, not on which champions might be considered squishy (outside of obvious cases), is probably the best way to go about answering such a question.
6:27 PM
Maybe list a couple of obvious cases for example?
It's not like there's a defined line of "This is what your stats must be like to be squishy", to some people pretty much every standard mage and carry is squishy. Y'know, with ones like Vlad, Xerath, and Graves being the obvious exceptions.
That'd probably be the best answer we could give
you guys up for a int bots game?
I'm honestly tempted to just write up such an answer right now. We could even review it in here before posting such a question, haha ♪
@Wilerson I think I'll pass... Int bots scare me.
6:30 PM
@GraceNote This seems goofy :P
@Tristan I haven't actually fought against them yet, but beginner bots are too easy
@OrigamiRobot I pre-write answers all the time. It's no departure to me, and quite frankly I think that community review could be fun.
@Wilerson They're scary. Strix was saying that Int Tristana is better than most human Tristanas.
It is an actual problem I face. When someone talks about squishyness, I only have a vague idea of what it means.
I may let you guys read my Duel of the Supports answer before posting
6:33 PM
@Rapida I'm okay with this.
Think I may fall into the rambling trap
Does that link work?
"puts him right onto the enemy champion and " <-enemy champion's range
Also @FallenAngelEyes I just saw someone Morse coding SOS in Dear Esther. <.<
6:40 PM
go for it, just threw it togehter
I don't think I can edit
Thats true, can't edit though
ahaha colors everywhere
6:53 PM
Which one of you was adding commas?
I'm the one leaving them out apparently
I added commas and capitalized stuff a lot
Alright, I'll post it in the current form. Any future edits can be done on the question
Who hates "gank"?
6:56 PM
@FallenAngelEyes I do
> ​If a document is set by the owner to be viewable or editable by everyone, then Google Docs doesn't show the names of those who choose to view or edit the document. Google Docs displays only the identities of people who are explicitly given permission to view or edit a document (either individually or as part of a group).
Should I label that as community wiki?
@Tristan I was
@OrigamiRobot Why do you hate gank? O.o
6:57 PM
I hate being ganked, does that count?
@Rapida I don't know what that entails. If it's set as a community wiki, no one gets rep from it, correct?
@Rapida No, you shouldn't.
Almost nothing should be labeled community wiki.
@Tristan When I was young, it meant "to steal". So every time i see it used otherwise, it looks dumb.
@OrigamiRobot Still does, in non-gaming terms, I think
@OrigamiRobot Oh. Okay then.
I always thought it was a gang term for killing someone. <.<
7:00 PM
@Rapida You did all the substantial stuff like strategy and whatnot
@Tristan this is true
AND Supernatural uses it ALL THE TIME to simply mean "kill"
Urban dictionary mostly calls it stealing with the mention of multiple people killing in MMORPGs
@OrigamiRobot Gonna go gank ghosts...
That would bug me
7:02 PM
Like I said, it's a personal annoyance.
@OrigamiRobot Have you seen The Walking Dead tv show?
:3442894 Don't get me started on the rules for using an apostrophe in its/it's
Do any of you watch League of Legends streamers?
@Rapida I do occasionally.
@FallenAngelEyes Yes
7:03 PM
I've seen all of one stream, once
@StrixVaria Who do you watch?
Just wondering, Guardsman Bob is streaming at the moment. He is the first streamer I suggest to all my friends.
@OrigamiRobot What about there, they're, and their?
@Rapida Whoever's on, but the ones I remember are wickd, the odd one, the rain man, guardsman bob, dan dinh, uh...
There's one more but I can't remember his name.
The jungler for CLG.
Is that Saintvicious?
Saintvicious is the best to watch, I think, from a pure "skill at LoL" aspect, but he can get whiny.
I like Guardsman Bob because he's not a stupid whiny jerk when he's losing.
7:05 PM
@Tristan That is fine. It ' s the non-apostraphization of the possessive form "its" that bugs me.
I watch this guy:
I can't stand whiners, I like watching Wickd, G-Bob, dan or Nhat. They are pretty calm
@Rapida Have you ever seen a HotshotGG stream? He's such a baby.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah... That bothers me quite a bit. But when people use the possessive "their" in place of they're, I want to kick them in the teeth.
@StrixVaria I've heard he has gotten better lately but I can't stand people with that sort of attitude
7:07 PM
@Tristan In the tribunal once I saw someone say "there their" when they meant "they're there".
@StrixVaria ...
@StrixVaria Nails on a chalkboard, man... Nails on a chalkboard.
@FallenAngelEyes I punished him just for that. No joke.
At least they knew it was to (=P) different words
@Tristan Yea people who misuse they're/there/their are just dumb. It's/Its is non-intuitive. Imagine that in the English language.
7:08 PM
@StrixVaria ...lol
@Tristan whats worse is "use to" and "suppose to"
@FallenAngelEyes Don't worry he actually deserved it anyway.
@OrigamiRobot what's worse.
You can't complain about grammar and make basic mistakes yourself :(
Well, you clearly can, but you probably shouldn't.
@OrigamiRobot Or not putting apostrophes in when they're needed. =P
Don't get me started on supposebly, either.
The "word" irregardless makes me want to strangle people.
While we're on this topic.
7:10 PM
@StrixVaria I actually think apostrophes are ok to skip in casual chat. They're/thier/there are completely different words.
i will say theyre
and also not capitalize things
I only talk in complete sentences in the G.SE chat online, but I'll always use apostrophes.
@Tristan Wait, is that a thing?
I try to, but I don't sweat it if I don't
Please tell me that's not a thing
@OrigamiRobot Sounds good.
7:11 PM
@FallenAngelEyes It's a thing.
Like the apostrophe in "don't". Waste of time.
@Tristan twitch
@OrigamiRobot What if you meant some kind of archaic spelling of "donned"? How could I know without consistent apostrophes?
Which one of you changed the Mumble room's name?
@OrigamiRobot Anyway, extra apostrophes bother me way more than missing apostrophes.
7:13 PM
@FallenAngelEyes Ronan.
Anyone who pluralizes anything with an apostrophe should be euthanized.
Now in an answer or something, I take grammar far more seriously.
@FallenAngelEyes You can't use apostrophes, sorry.
@RonanForman Arrrrrgh
What is the name now?
7:14 PM
@StrixVaria Gamer's rift.
You could always call it "Tristan Treeline" =D
@RonanForman I can't make out what you're saying on Mumble.
@Tristan I wasn't saying anything, it was picking up a recording of me speaking.
@RonanForman Oooh, okay.
@RonanForman Only without the apostrophe
Hm... anyone mind if I just co-opt that Google Doc from earlier to review just a small draft of what I wrote on the topic of squishiness?
7:17 PM
I've changed it to the gaming rift, it makes less sense but is grammatically correct.
Go for it
It has been tossed in, starts on the second page and is apparently already longer than one page.
I have now hit semantic satiation on the word "squishiness"
@FallenAngelEyes I tried skimming over it just to avoid that.
@FallenAngelEyes Score!
7:41 PM
@FallenAngelEyes (I assume) What about GW2?
points to The Bridge
2 hours later…
9:55 PM
@GraceNote are you ready for that question?
Second meeting.
? would be accurate
Well I'm working till ? too if that makes you feel better.
It does, really

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