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@CharlieBrumbaugh, if you have fallen out of love with Stack Exchange you are free to leave. You can even tell the others her where to find you. But I think it is beyond acceptable to advertise a replacement site.
8 hours later…
@Willeke I add a comment on your meta post about it and your post here
You may see TGO as a separate community, and Stack Exchange as failing. But for me all Stack sites are a community and by leaving an masse (as you seem to plan to do) you do not make Stack Exchange better, you make it worse.
2 hours later…
@Willeke Plenty of people have already left. It took a GoFundme and a lawsuit to get SE to apologize somewhat, and staying only incentivizes SE to keep doing the exact same type of things
Leave if you want but realize that Stack Exchange is not dead, and should not be kicked by those choosing to leave.

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