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7:51 PM
Welcome to chat for: The Great Outdoors
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Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
and remember; please read the FAQ ;p)
2 hours later…
9:39 PM
somebody here?
Not yet. I hope to see more action here in the next few days
9:57 PM
I'm here!
are you also active in other sites?
SO, MSO, Unix&Linux, and SciFi.
a lot of sites
10:20 PM
mainly SO and Travel SE

but I'm also very often reading programmers SE and if I'm in trouble tex SE
1 hour later…
11:26 PM
It's very tempting to post the "bear spray vs firearms" holy war question
yeah why not?
I'm trying to think of a way to phrase it to result in constructive answers

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