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@Kuba The second seems a bug to me. The {1,3} entry does not span rows 2, 3. That's how it looks to me. Also it explains why the 3,4,5 cells are below Style["A\n\n\nB"].
3 hours later…
@DavidTrimas not really because A and B is only an example, it has to be a single item that can be arranged as a single item, e.g. content has to have access to all those rows.
@MichaelE2 any advice on a course of actions? I have zero hopes about Grid bugs being fixed. I was trying to recreate a pdf document with non uniform grid.
It's not my question, but people here might want to take a stab at this:
Q: Optimal Gaussian basis set for hydrogen atom in magnetic field (Part 2, help with Mathematica)

Mam MamIn my previous question Optimal Gaussian basis set for hydrogen atom in magnetic field (Part 1), I asked about how the authors of the article ("Hydrogen-Like Systems in Arbitrary Magnetic Fields A Variational Approach") find the parameters ($\alpha_i$ and $\beta_j$) for the Gaussian basis set. $\...

@Kuba Playing with the GridBox expression yielded nothing. Sorry, I don't have an idea right now. Alignment -> Bottom makes the A..B cell cross the row boundary, but it leaves a gap at the top (1st row has the same width as original code). So not helpful.
2 hours later…
@MichaelE2 or others any advice on how to create non uniform grid layouts? like this for example: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Customs_and_Immigration_form_signed_by_Apollo_11_astronauts_after_returning_from_the_Moon.jpg

Styles do not matter, just an example of a grid with frame/dividers etc.

The idea is to fill it in MMA and export a pdf but the source can come from other places if that's convenient. E.g. creating such grid in word/excell is a piece of cake but then importing filling and preserving that in pdf export would be problematic.
It does not need to be pixel perfect.
7 hours later…
@Kuba I bet something like this can be done using MaTeX with Tikz. But the output will ofcourse be just an image and not Mathematica expression such as Grid or Frame and so on. I am not good at Tikz but I can ask at the tex forum if the above can be done by Tikz. So in Mathematica, you just need to write the code using Latex and then MaTex will compile it and give you the above image in your notebook which you can export to pdf.
3 hours later…
@Kuba If you really don't care about your sanity (and don't mind tweaking the size of the second "row" manually), here's a "solution":
  Reverse /@
      Map[Replace[{SpanFromLeft -> SpanFromAbove,
         SpanFromAbove -> SpanFromLeft, SpanFromBoth -> SpanFromBoth,
         i_ :> Rotate[i, -90 °]}], #, {2}] &@{
    {1, SpanFromLeft, SpanFromAbove},
    {3, SpanFromLeft, SpanFromAbove},
    {4, 5, Pane@Style["A\n\n\nB"]},
    {6, 7, 8}
  Frame -> All, Alignment -> {Right, Center},
  ItemSize -> {{Automatic, Automatic, 3, Automatic}, Automatic}],
 90 °
(note the Pane around the A B item, and note that the grid has to be tweaked manually unfortunately: the A B item is moved below the SpanFromAbove items)
@LukasLang Of course, it seems so obvious now! :) I don't think in a million years I would have thought of turning it on its side.
I suppose it's a workaround for this case and not a general bug fix?
7 hours later…
@Kuba ConTeXt (TeX flavor) can theoretically handle it. See wiki.contextgarden.net/TABLE#Designing_complex_TABLEs

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