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1:20 PM
Interesting when a question is closed for a simple mistake, but no one really offers a solution to the simple mistake. mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/306654/9490
1 hour later…
2:43 PM
@JasonB. What do you mean by that? I told the OP in my comment what was wrong with their code.
4 hours later…
6:35 PM
Not really - the user was confused about the 'large output was not saved to the notebook' message, which in their case was actually not a problem because they had it saved to a variable.
What they should have done next was something like Export[<some file name>, polytopedataset, <some format>]
They seemed really new to mathematica (maybe to computers in general, but I could be wrong there)
Then the fact that they apparently cloud-exported an undefined variable
Finally they did SystemOpen[CloudObject[...]], which I have no clue how that should work
Probably they had too many issues to deal with for just one post
I just think with newbies we shouldn't be so quick with the 'close as obvious mistake' as we used to be

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