@Szabolcs better not rush to that conclusion when you've not seen and experienced their site. I think they're just moving towards making that a "more official" support site for non-premier users. I look at it as the equivalent of Meta Stack Overflow for Stack Exchange or Atlassian Answers for JIRA/Bitbucket/Sourcetree, or Kiln support and FogBugz support for FogCreek software etc.
Every one seems to be doing it Q&A style these days. No reason that their site and our site can't co-exist. Afterall, the above sites and Stack Overflow seem to be able to co-exist without eating the other up.
The cluster integration package seems to want to start each kernel as a separate job which is inconvenient and wasteful. But I'm not sure how to start multiple subkernels on multiple computers from a job file...
@Rojo So @rcollyer is now a WR employee. I'll not discuss my personal affairs with nobody here in the future. I don't want them published in the next NKS edition
@OleksandrR., I still was not able to find a way of how to select the result of one of the dependent variables of ParametricNDSolveValue. Say I write pfun=ParametricNDSolveValue[ .etc etc. ]. If I then do pfun[0.1][[1]] I will be attributing a value to the parameter that I want to estimate (and this is not what I want to do). Yet, if I do pfun[[1]] I get weird results..
One could change the code to extract those default values as well. But then we would have to think of what the default values are for each control type
@Ajasja Look at getCellManipulate and replaceCellManipulate
getCellManipulate for example
In English, it says: turn the Cell expression into a nice MMA exprssion with MakeExpression, and then return the first Manipulate
Nice MMA expression means: something quite similar to what you usually write as input Manipulate. Manipulates are barely evaluated. They just display weird
And, every time I load a file, whatever manipulate is in the cell gets its controls and bookmarks replaced
so, you could add another control, remove, and modify the manipulate, and you can (or should be able to) still load a state from a file
@Ajasja What exactly is the problem with initialization being rerun? Because I am not sure how to do anything to prevent it
Yes, buttons can be put where you like
it should all work anyway, as long as the buttons are in the same cell
If you move the buttons away from the cells with a manipulate (say palette), then we should replace EvaluationCell by First@SelectedCells, and something similar for v8
Err, I don't think you can know. Unless perhaps you use the very varaibles to see what has been appended to their names. You have a small example of what you need that for?
We had lately a question about plotting the errors of a fit in 3d. There were some answers showing nice lines of the errors together with the surface.. Does someone remember this?
I have been trying to find the value for the parameter kestim that yields the best fit of a model to some data points. datac has 25 data points, but I illustrate with just a few. I tried to do the fitting after using ParametricNDSolveValue:
Can someone try reproducing this: Evaluate Hyperlink["Google", "http://www.google.com"], right-click on the link and select "Copy Hyperlink". Mathematica simply crashes and quits on my machine.
$Version: 9.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (November 20, 2012)
@Silvia found a probably useless workaround, open drawing tools and draw a point, run AbsoluteOptions[< graphics here>, PlotRange] I have no idea what is going on :D
Apparently PlotRange is not only an option, but can also be used as a function to extract the plot range of a plot, e.g. PlotRange[Plot[Sin[x], {x,0,2 Pi}]]. I wish they would document things like that somewhere.
@Heike This is not a reliable feature (undocumented, could be removed in a future version, etc...) As a general rule, option and function names are supposed to be different.
@Szabolcs By accident. I tried to evaluate AbsoluteOptions[Histogram[RandomReal[10, 100]], PlotRange] which returned an error and something of the form {PlotRange -> PlotRange[...]}