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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

@AviD hey you! :)
@enderland it would probably shock you to find out how incredibly common that is.
@AviD Here on a "InfoSec business"?
:11306555 AviD suggests that the flag is moot.
@enderland meh. its practically assumed by anybody who understands.
yeah, I know my university was that way too
I just assumed Exchange would be a bit more, oh, idk, robust on that front
dusts palms
thanks :)
@enderland oh its not a problem with robust, it does it fine - it was configured to allow anonymous posting.
really @AviD? it just seems weird
though I guess 99.9% of people who understand this would have way more options
@enderland its not just exchange...
(if they wanted to be malicious)
anyways i'm goign to bail before rain comes back
well, spoofing email is a good, easy start. one "nice" thing about it is that it usually is not logged. So existance of the sent email is all the proof you need.
@enderland pets need walking?
"But HR sent an email doubling his salary!"
"But my VP approved that business trip!"
@AviD But the ceo said I was to inherit the company!
actually the interesting part is finding the right ones to spoof, it's rarely actually the CEO (unless you just want to wreak some havoc)...
"recommend promotion"
there's one question that's gonna be closed LOL
yay, got my flag in
that was quick :)
@TildalWave TWSS
and I wanted to collect my first helpful flag here :(
@AviD wrong room
@TildalWave it's never the wrong room for "thats what she said". Right?
@TildalWave We deal with this stuff all day every day here :) We clean up much faster than many other SE sites due to well, practice. SO's trashcan my eye...
@JimmyHoffa Hmm, I like that ticker feed. I'm sure that helps with things too.
maybe we'll do one of those on the DMZ, too...
@AviD wanted to ask before why there's no ticker feeds in DMZ, but I just assumed it's "because of Scott" or something like that :)
@TildalWave yeah, that's probably true.
@JimmyHoffa if there only was a way to subtly suggest we could use some of such enthusiasm on SEx.SE .... ..... .... :)
@TildalWave why, you already getting junk posts?
@AviD On occasion but manageable. Active members are always appreciated tho ;)
@TildalWave no, we have alot of rain right now
I was about 30 seconds from getting poured on when I got to my car. damnit
sounds like Seattle to me
@AviD I think I'm going to read up on SMTP protocol and such
@enderland I'm not sure you want to. It would likely ruin your day.
@TildalWave nah it's hardly rained for 3 months. plus if it was seattle it'd only be 230 when I left work :)
@AviD I've got this annoying problem called curiousity
@enderland you mean "morbid curiosity"...
hasn't killed me yet!
when it comes to anything security-related, all these venerable protocols were hopelessly naive.
yeah. I found out I can modify my ActiveDirectory information the other day
man I sound like a hacker
or tied to the specific environment, wherein the 2 dozen academics with access were all trustworthy.
@enderland that's just poor configuration. Unless its fields like address and phone number, which is good design :-)
@AviD I only bothered changing my company name
I should fix it so it actually is right
they spelled "headquarters" wrong. LOL
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