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Q: Quantitative version of law of large numbers and application to RH

user267839Let $(X_i)_{i \in \Bbb N}$ be a sequence of independent RV's with zero means $\Bbb E[X_i]=0$ and let $(b_i)_{i \in \Bbb N}$ be an increasing sequence of positive numbers satisfying $\sum_i \Bbb E[X_i^2]/b_i^2 < \infty$. Set $S_n:= \sum_{k=1}^n X_k$. Question 1: How to see that $\varinjlim_{n \to ...

6 hours later…
Here are two questions about the limits of an integral, which are essentially duplicates of each other: The older question (from 2015) is more generic with parameters a and b, the newer question (from 2017) is more specific, but has five different answers.
Any suggestion which one to choose as the duplicate target?
(I am also asking because I have another solution in mind, and want do add that only to one of the two questions.)
1 hour later…
this question is phrased similarly to this one; should we be concerned? I believe the first one should be closed (see comments)
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in username (195): Prodnovate SEO Services‭ by prodnovate seo‭ on math.SE
3 hours later…
@SineoftheTime I am not sure if there is some connection between those questions, but the second one is now closed as a duplicate. I voted to close the first one (missing context) because it is unclear which tools can be used.
@MartinR yes, there's no connection probably.

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