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2 hours later…
Q: Redefining the Meta-Turing Problem by Introducing an pinfHalt State

Toni PravoimeAbstract: This proposal aims to approach the Turing Halting Problem by introducing the concepts of non-computable functions and an additional state, "pinfHalt," which denotes a program that halts only after infinite time. By redefining the problem through these concepts, I argue that the classica...

2 hours later…
D1, D2, D3.
D4, D5, D6.
D7, D8, D9.
@BillDubuque I pinned your request.
8 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, pattern-matching website in answer (115): How to start solving this problem ✏️‭ by My Kel‭ on math.SE
1 hour later…
Q: Verification of a method of proving Collatz conjecture

Omkar KulkarniIf we show that all numbers up to a certain number n, reach to a value less than themselves in their respective Collatz orbit, and then based on this further show that n+1 also reaches to a value less than itself in its sequence, then is this a valid proof for Collatz conjecture, provided proof o...

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