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A: Is there an example of a sigma algebra that is not a topology?

KalidasI am just a beginner in this domain, so pardon me if my reasoning is wrong. I will be happy hear correct answers from the members. I am going through Measure Theory by John K. Hunter online material (https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~hunter/measure_theory/measure_notes.pdf) and my reasoning is based ...

This new answer, to an old question, is very much incorrect.
Would be good to have it deleted if possible
@XanderHenderson hopefully this doesn't count as targeting - I am not trying to do so, just bringing attention to those two post to old questions that have been answered by a confused person, that should post their own question rather than an answer
@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ ah, yes I saw this one, "the plane" mislead me. Thanks
8 hours later…
8 hours later…
C PSQ with high-rep cherry picking
3 hours later…
^^^ Sigh, prior is now reopened (twice). It seems to be evolving into a political battle of PSQ vs anti-PSQ factions, with extreme (political) voting on the answer.
1 hour later…
The comments under the above have been deleted
@ТymaGaidash Not a wise decision by some diamond mod since there is now no signal to users that such PSQs are off-topic and should not be answered. Not to mention that the answerer - who continually ignores EOQS policy - has been rewarded with ~150 rep. Is there any hope for site quality when nothing can be done to stop such policy violations.

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