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how should one handle this?
(not seeking moderator opinion)
the answer is for $\mathbb{C}$ and not $\mathbb{R}$
but it was upvoted and accepted
would it be appropriate for me to add an edit with a remark that this is for the complex field and not $\mathbb{R}$ like in the original post?
I mean I am a seeking moderator opinion but not about it being a bad post but about my edit
1 hour later…
@Jakobian It really isn't an issue for moderator attention. You are welcome to handle it however you like. You can leave comments, downvote, flag it as "Not an Answer" (which will put it into the review queue), or write your own answer. Or you can just ignore it.
6 hours later…
Please delete this "worse than PSQ" question. Only one more delete vote is needed.
@XanderHenderson I'm thinking the question you addressed today, here, and a few like them, asked here, don't really fit in CURED. The question you answered today should probably been asked in the mod chatroom. Not a huge issue for me; and this is not a matter of your doing.
Unfortunately, I can no longer move such questions to the mod chat.
1 hour later…
@amWhy Given that the E here stands for "Edit", and one of the questions asked was "Would it be appropriate to edit this question?", I think it's on topic. Also, there is, perhaps, an implied "And if the answer is wrong, should I/others vote to delete it?"
I think it's fine.
Also, this room is low-traffic enough that I think it can tolerate a bit of tangentially related chatter.
But I appreciate your concern, and will keep an eye out for conversation which is more Meta than CURED.
@XanderHenderson Thanks for your thoughts!
@amWhy And, just to be clear, I appreciate the heads up. Even if I don't take action (which I ultimately did in this case), it helps to get pinged.
needless to say that a 400k+ user answered it and was (how could it be else) upvoted to heaven.
@Peter Can I please suggest that you moderate your tone? It is perfectly fine to say "I don't think that this question is useful. It doesn't make sense to me." It is quite different to declare that the a question is "utterly pointless". Please dial it down a notch.
For what it is worth, I think the question is very "meh" (it is essentially about the non-existence of a uniform distribution on an infinite set, with some extra irrelevant color, and is almost certainly a duplicate). I disagree with your assessment that it is "utterly pointless", but I hope that people of good intention are permitted to disagree with each other.
1 hour later…
Hi, could someone please add the algebraic-geometry tag to this question? It is a duplicate and I would like to use my gold tag dupehammer on it, but I cannot do that if I add the tag myself.
Ah, actually, it isn't a duplicate, so nevermind that above request, I'll add the tag myself.

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