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Q: Is it possible any other solution than x = 0?

Roberto Carlos Joaquin Castro$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}$ Suppose the next equation: $$ \sum_{n \ge 0}^\infty a(n) ( \cosh{(x\cdot n))} - \sinh{(x\cdot n))}) = 0 $$ Is it possible that exists another solution distinct to $x = 0$ , $x \in \R $? How can be this solution if exists?

2 hours later…
Q: "Hypotenuse - Area - Perpendicular Relation"

Munasa MujI have derived a new formula connecting the hypotnuse, area and perpendicular in a right angled triangle: H=√(2A/p+p^2) Where H is hypotnuse,A is area and p is perpendicular

I believe this must be closed.
3 hours later…
Hi everyone. I am an electrician that recently learned on MSE that bump function have an specific meaning in advanced math applying only for specific functions class $C_c^\infty$, which is very different for the widespread use of just a function that looks as a bump, as is widely use in electric engineering when talking about window function or band-pass filters.
Moreover, I have see the missunderstanding is widespread outside some specific advanced math circles, when some ask for a smooth function example, receiving quite excelent answers for high ranked users, but sometimes are class $C^\infty$ but also sometimes just class $C^n,\ 0<n<\infty$, and the consequences could be important depending on the context.
I aim to rise awareness somehow, since myself felt in discussions because don't knowing beforehand there exists an abuse of terminology, so I made a question for discusion in a question (/q/4948489/909869) which was deleted (as I was expecting),
but looking for reasons of closure I found a recommendation on the website of rising discussion on the MSE chat, so I am here now. Probably for more trained users it would be kind of stupid, but for me discovering this kind of non-analytic examples was an open minded on understanding the basics of math, so I believe it worth to try.
@Joako What action are you asking for?
If you are asking for the linked question to be undeleted, I don't think that is likely to happen---that post isn't even really a question. You say that you want to raise a discussion, but that isn't what SE is for (SE is not a discussion forum).
> If your motivation for asking the question is “I would like to participate in a discussion about ______”, then you should not be asking here. However, if your motivation is “I would like others to explain ______ to me”, then you are probably OK. (Discussions are of course welcome in our real time web chat.)
2 hours later…
2 hours later…

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