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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad phone number in body, messaging number in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (183): (.)KingTrust.to(.)sell Paypal/cashapp transfer bank login Shop Dumps With Pin‭ by selldumps‭ on math.SE
3 hours later…
PSQ on the Hot Network Queue: math.stackexchange.com/q/4922888/42969
1 hour later…
Incorrect accepted answer got 2 upvotes. Perhaps someone else will have better luck explaining to the author why it is incorrect.
2 hours later…
This math.stackexchange.com/q/4923146/42969 is a special case of the “nested square roots” problem, I suggest to close it as a duplicate.
7 hours later…
Q: Is the number 3 in the Collatz conjecture arbitrary?

pieOne of the most famous conjectures in mathematics is the Collatz conjecture also known as $3n+1$ but my question is why we multiply the odd number by 3? I get that the conjecture probably wants to multiply the odd number with other odd number and then add 1 to make it even and I can see why the ...

7 hours later…
D Prior said incorrect answer is now unaccepted, but still needs 1 delete vote. Author now agrees their is incorrect (and it cannot be salvaged).
@BillDubuque It's now deleted.
D dupe of huge FAQ, nothing novel.

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