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I think that this question is basically a duplicate of one that I answered a while back. Or, rather, I think that my answer addresses the question. However, since I answered the potential dupe-target, I am not going to close it unilaterally.
I tried to find other targets, as well, but the notation primarily seems to pop up in some annoying combinatorial problems, so I gave up pretty quickly.
3 hours later…
Q: In the form of equations, how would you write these consequences of the Riemann hypothesis?

Rodney BartlettFigures and images are at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/379375332_IMAGINING_THE_COMING_PHYSICS_WORLD_ALTERING_PARADIGM_SHIFT In the form of equations, how would you write these consequences of the Riemann hypothesis that result from its relation to Weyl and Majorana fermions, planet Me...

C1, C2, C3, C4
D1, D2, D3, D4
8 hours later…
@Peter agreed

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