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I suggest to delete math.stackexchange.com/q/4814867/42969 – the question is a duplicate, and the accepted answer is wrong as far as I can tell (author did not respond to request for clarification).
2 hours later…
@MartinR gone , but the danger of an undeletion is real.
please delete - the author also posted another question claiming that Gioldbach is proven ! Here again ...
4 hours later…
Q: Might be the Riemann hypothesis confirmed?

someonehttps://vixra.org/abs/2311.0097 Any positive comment would be greatly approved. I am the author. I don't have a Phd, but was formed at the Ecole Normale Superieure, in France. I posted it on vixra.org because I am not endorsed on arxiv.org...

2 hours later…
This question about a determinant looks like a clear duplicate to me: math.stackexchange.com/q/4815569/42969
@Feeds One more delete-vote needed
4 hours later…
C/D more off-topic "EC" numerology by a user who only posts on that topic.
@BillDubuque I feel like there was some other user who was obsessed with "EC primes" at some point. Do you have any recollection of who that might have been?
Ah, found it. Joy.
@XanderHenderson There have been a handful of such users. It is likely they are all the same person (possible EC himself).
@BillDubuque Yes, I believe that I have tracked it down. Thank you.

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