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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer (167): How to prov e that $\frac {\pi^2}{ \sin(\pi z)^2 } = \sum_{n=-\infty , n\neq 0 }^{n=\infty} 1/ (z-n)^2 $ by arthur on math.SE
@amWhy Yes, the contest you mention was back in 2018: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/47071471#47071471 One million is listed also among the milestones here: History of Math.StackExchange.
2 hours later…
@amWhy Personal opinion (certainly not applicable for that question, it's a PSQ so period). I've seen this situation where the author's going through a proof and they've got more than one point where they are confused, or they've got a question with subparts and they can attempt the third subpart without being able to get the second. In this situation, I sort of find myself saying that having three-four such questions in one post is better than having them scattered in different posts...
for at least a couple of reasons (1) I'd rather have one canonical post answering all the 6-7 questions, because I expect someone having a doubt on a single proof to require a single page to look up that proof rather than look up many pages discussing that proof and choose the one applying to them (2) I don't think the division of questions reflects how much effort it takes to answer each question, and I'd be unhappy if the questions were split into different posts, with one of them...
... having a one-line answer, and the other having a page's length. I don't think OPs can judge the amount of effort each subpart requires , therefore we aren't in a position to call each question as a "separate" one in it's own right. It's a different thing if there were, let's say two different proofs or problems being solved, but I think if everything contributes to the explanation of a single not-broad-enough object like a proof, I'd not mark it as broad.
2 hours later…
I requested this question for reopening but it wasn't opened.math.stackexchange.com/questions/3973870/… But I think it is a genuine demand. SO, can you please tell why it wasn't reopened so that i could make more nessesary edits.
Here is a link to the above question (rather than to a comment): If A is countable subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ , then $\mathbb{R}^2 - A$ is pathwise connected.
1 hour later…
@XanderHenderson Completed reviews of suggested edits are visible in the timeline to everyone (even those who are not logged in). In the post on Meta SE announcing the revamped timeline, a (rejected) suggested edit is visible in the example image. I suppose moderators might also be able to see pending suggested edits, but you would know more about that anyway.
Any suggestions what to do with can we say the value of x is 0 in equation x/0 = 5?? Is it unclear (“I saw that 0/0 meant any real number”), a duplicate (e.g. of Division by 0), or off-topic because it appears to be about calculations in an electrical circuit with an “ideal resistor”?
1 hour later…
@MartinR Seems that this time no one yet mentioned the "extended real line". Hard to understand why so many people do not know/understand that and why division by $0$ makes no sense and that it is forbidden for good reasons.
The question is now closed (and posted on EE, if anybody is interested: electronics.stackexchange.com/q/587597/296292)
@No-One It's not reopened because it is a duplicate. To get it reopened, one way is to make clear that your question is different from the duplicate target. For example, if you want to understand how Brian's answer works, try to ask a question of the form "how do I paste two linear functions/straight lines?". As of now I am not voting to reopen. If I decide to write a detailed answer, I will post the answer in the target instead.
@ArcticChar I am not able to understand the answers given. And they are just hints not answers and in my question I have made it clear what problems I have in those hints and what I am able to understand. So, What's the harm in opening it. I think it is a legitimate question. I am not able to understand those hints and write a rigoriuous solution using those hints. So, What's wrong with asking it as a separate question?
answered although title and body are not consistent
D2- D12 here still need some delete votes. Please have a look if you haven't....
@No-One Because there is no point in reopening a duplicate question. If someone is willing to post a detailed answer, they should post it in the duplicate target. (or, as I said already, if you are interested in some particular part of the hint in the answer there, ask a specific question on that).
Or you can place a bounty in the old target, specifying that you ask for a detailed answer (try to make your request as precise as possible).
D2 (or one download)
@ArcticChar Ok I will put bounty on old answer
Should this have been answered ? It contains context and an effort, but it was tried to prove something wrong , and several comments pointed that already out. Opinions, please !
@Peter Could you say a little bit more about why you feel it shouldn’t have been answered? (I presume you feel that way because you probably wouldn’t have asked for opinions otherwise).
@TheAmplitwist It has been improved in the mean-time. However, the comment with the "real-life problems" confuses me. Which real-life problems do lead to such statements that have to be decided ? And does the author expect that there is a universal method to proof or disproof all statements ?
@Peter Probably something is being lost in translation, I guess. English may not be OP's first language.
C - many answers and changed question.
@Peter Now closed.
@ArcticChar I didn't find anything to "download" :-) but I did vote to delete, and is now gone.
@TheAmplitwist That was my recollection, but it has been a while since I had looked at a timeline without a diamond. Thanks for the input.
@XanderHenderson Poor Xander! I am thinking that it would be good, network wide, to subject site moderators to one day per six months, without mod privileges, so they can refresh their memories of plain-userhood! ;P
@Peter When I introduce complex numbers to precalc students, I often try to convince them that complex numbers are reasonable by also trying to introduce "division by zero" numbers. Define $j = 1/0$, so that $0j = 1 = j0$, then see what happens. This is totally okay, until you want to start doing arithmetic.
We can append elements to the real numbers in such a way that we can make sense of $1/0$ (either the Alexandrov compactification with $1/0 = \infty$, or the extended real numbers with $\lim_{x\to 0^{\pm}} = \pm \infty$ which is approximately $\pm1/0 = \pm\infty$), but doing arithmetic in these spaces is more complicated.
@amWhy I think that I have previously suggested that moderators should have the ability to temporarily "set their reputation" to any arbitrary level, so that they can browse the site a user with specific privileges. I am not sure that this has ever gone anywhere.
@XanderHenderson I was mostly joking, but I've also spoken with @quid about assigning, once per year, each user with greater than 20K in rep, the rep of 1, to re-experiencing what new users experience. But your idea could work for high rep users, to "dial back" their rep, temporarily, to see the site from that perspective.
@amWhy I don't think that this should be considered a joke. The "curse of knowledge" is often an impediment to effective moderation. Not a huge impediment, but it can make things a little more complicated.
@XanderHenderson Yes, I understand.
Needs to be closed until clarified: math.stackexchange.com/q/4256395/29335
I am kind of tempted to create a kind of meta question on the site in order to address every variation of "Is it allowed to do..."
As if we need permission to push symbols around!
I have to teach in a few minutes, but this is a duplicate a of, like, a thousand things, right? Is it allowed to use the modulo operation in math?‭ - Felix An‭ 2021-09-21 14:49:20Z
@XanderHenderson As well as, "Is it allowed to ask: 'Is it allowed to do...'" ? ;D
^^^That I imagine would be a meta.math.se question.
@XanderHenderson Same procedure as every time. Multiple answers upvoted.
this is a rather long question. Not sure if this is off topic.
@ParamanandSingh Too broad and long-winded and un-focused
@MartinSleziak Thanks!! It is uncanny how easily you find things. I'll keep your link in mind!
@TeresaLisbon I disagree. Ignorance is not really an excuse, even in law. "I didn't know it was a law" rarely leads to dismissal of an arrest. Rather, let the OP ask the first two, and with answers, we hope they can answer on their own, the third... etc. Expectations some users have that we will hold their hand, time and time again, i.e., do their work for them, even if to answer fully requires users to scroll down, and scroll, keep scrolling, to do so.
@Teresa This site is not a classroom, nor tutoring center, where users should be expected to take 10 times the time and energy to do remedial work for one asker needing it, compared to the answering of a well written question.
@Teresa Much of what I'm trying to say is that askers should not be led on to think the world stops for them and their confusion. Some askers come here expect far too much from users than is reasonable, and in some ways, this is rude, albeit rooted in ignorance. Pandering to them only extends their self-centered awareness. There are ways of interacting in a kind, but firm way, to help them be successful on this site, but everyone needs to learn "you can't always get what you want..."
Enough said. Sorry for the long-winded response.
1 hour later…
@jasmine: That is your own question...
@TeresaLisbon Also, multipart exercises often build on each other. That doesn't mean if a user posts a, b, c, d, e of a question, we should answer them all. Often, helping them understand a, b, and the question, should enable them to finish off from what they've seen done for them.
Yes@Joe But im not able to delete this question because shaun has already answered the question
@jasmine: Can't you delete it if you un-accept his answer?
okay @Joe Let me try this
@Joe Excellent point. As there are no upvotes, unaccepting should enable you to delete, Jasmine.
@jasmine, there might be a five minute delay before you can delete. Just be patient.
@jasmine Have you tried deleting the question?
No@amWhy but it is written that "We do not recommend deleting questions with answers because doing so deprives future readers of this knowledge".I mean, deleting my own question may be against the norm of MSE
You can delete a question with no upvoted, unaccepted answers. If you decide not to delete, than restore your accept. Just don't play games somewhere in between.
@jasmine: Since your question is almost certainly a duplicate, it's not depriving anyone of anything.
okay @amWhy @Joe
@jasmine I do appreciate your concern for not breaking rules, or depriving others, but I think Joe hit the nail on the head in that such questions have been asked and answered previously. I think you did the right thing for you and for this site. :-)
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, no whitespace in title, potentially bad keyword in body (264): 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 by nika devdariani on math.SE

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