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Q: Using limits to prove that there are no unbounded trajectories in the Collatz Problem

Math777Define the “shortcut” of the Collatz function as $T: \mathbb{N}\longrightarrow\mathbb{N}$, such that $ T\left(x\right) = \begin{cases} \frac{x}{2} & \text{if } 2 \mid x \\ \left\lceil 1.5x \right\rceil & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $ where $x\in \mathbb{N}$ Let $T^i(x)$ be the output of the $i$...

3 hours later…
Q: On The Proving Robin's inequality

Saharsh kumarRobin inequality is a famous inequality which will prove (or disprove the RH) Riemann hypothesis. But i think it is false because see the below graph, Graph of $$\sigma(n)<e^\gamma n \log(\log(n))$$[1] click the link to see the image. You will see in the image that for $n$ $$40000<n<60000$$ There...

5 hours later…
I'd say this question is at least unfocused, although it feels like there are other things not-good about it: math.stackexchange.com/q/5025462/29335
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
Q: Connection of the collatz conjecture between the positive and negative integers?

dhifali rochdiI know that the collatz conjecture is only defined in the positive integers however i also know that people searched in the negative integers regardless for other possible cycles and that -1→-2→-1 and -5→-14→-7→-20→-10→-5 and -17→-50→-25→-74→-37→-110→-55→-164→-41→-122→-61→-182→-91→-272→-136→-68→-...

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