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3 hours later…
3:43 PM
It seems these first and second questions are related. Firstly, they are very short and talk about how “obvious” some results are.
Secondly, the first question had OP comments like “Only valid objection so far”,”Well it is. Obviously”, and “Agreed. Close and migrate” while the second “Migrate to Physics”, “It is a question”, and “Then it’s true” plus others, all mostly shortly deleted, seemingly by the OP. The styles seem too similar. Could they be written by the same group/person?
7 hours later…
11:12 PM
A: Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 01/2022 - today)

JoePlease consider voting to reopen the following question: Alternative proof of Corollary 2.13 of Atiyah and Macdonald, on tensor products. This was a question that I asked yesterday. I feel that the context I provided is sufficient, since I give a reference to the theorem in question, and explaine...

11:29 PM
Hi everyone. I have a question: What it means that a question were deleted by the "CommunityBot"? Are there any way to reopen it by reframining it or it must be voted for undelete? (maybe it is better to do it one completely new instead). An example of mine:
A: Enable automatic deletion of old, unanswered, zero-score questions after a year?

Jeff AtwoodAbandoned, unanswered questions can be a nuisance for readers when they appear in search results. While every question deserves a chance to be answered, at some point the annoyance to those searching for a solution outweighs the increasingly small chance that an answer will be provided. For this ...

@XanderHenderson thanks.

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