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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body (96): How does one calculate the amount of bodyweight pressed in a push-up at varying levels of incline?‭ by Lisa Beck‭ on math.SE
3 hours later…
14 hours later…
Consider closing this recent Duplicate
C, for lack of clarity.
@Mittens Closed 5-10 minutes ago.
@MikeEarnest I surely voted to close; we need three more close votes.
The user here wants to reopen their deleted question because they have significantly lengthened it and included more effort. However, the reopen queue invalidates it and the question requires many MathJax edits.
@ТymaGaidash Honestly, that question is a hit mess. It has been deleted, and I think that's ok.
Q: Consider T, a set containing all subsets of X which are countable or their complement is countable. T also contains X and $\phi$. Is this a topology?

Sj2704Basically the title. I have a feeling that this is not a topology and the issue would come up when I consider arbitrary union of countable subsets in T which may not be countable and the complement of this union needn't be countable either. But I am unable to come up with such an example. Kindly ...


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