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Q: Collatz conjecture proof

Nwanozie KevinIf I can show that there are pattern in collatz conjecture should I do so or try to prove every aspect of the conjecture am a computer science student

5 hours later…
close - too broad, also a tremendous amount of screenshotted text after this user had been repeatedly warned about that
2 hours later…
10 hours later…
A: Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 01/2022 - today)

Gordon CraigRequest to reopen "Good rigorous reference for wave phenomena [closed]" The question quoted below was closed as being opinion-based. I'd be glad to edit it in order to meet the site's policies, but I can't, since I'm at a loss to see what's wrong with it; as far as I can see, it's a standard refe...

2 hours later…
delete - likely AI answer
2 hours later…
@KReiser I voted to delete a total of five consecutive answers by this same user (in the low quality review queue), all of that ilk (AI)

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