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1 hour later…
Q: Is my article considered a final solution to the Collatz conjecture?

Walid yahya https://medium.com/p/5e2d896ad2d6 The defeat of Collatz’s conjecture at the hands of the Egyptian method The Collatz conjecture has become one of the most famous topics in the world of mathematics. This conjecture took a lot of effort to reach the truth of the correctness or incorrectness of this...

4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, potentially bad keyword in body, repeating characters in body (249): Morphism between injective resolutions ✏️‭ by Paz‭ on math.SE
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
@XanderHenderson Sir, this old question of mine has been closed. It’s a bad question which I know now. Should it be deleted? If so, can you please delete it? Thanks.
Q: How many marbles are left?

Sahaj$n$ persons are placed in a room. Each man has with him $2$ marbles. Each turn consists of one person taking another person's two marbles and destroying them along with one of his own marbles. A person is allowed to take marbles only from a person with $2$ marbles. A player gets a turn if he has ...

Thank you sir.
2 hours later…
close - deleted + reasked question which is still missing a bunch of context.

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