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Q: Collatz conjecture and prime numbers

MatteoWith the intention of understanding how prime numbers contribute to the numerical results we get when we perform any possible numerical calculation (also on real numbers), since they are those natural numbers with which all other natural numbers can be created, and natural numbers, through the 4 ...

2 hours later…
Q: Lossless compression with the Collatz function and application of the Kolmogorov complexity to the Collatz $3x+1$ problem?

mathoverflowUserMotivation: Let $n$ be a natural number and $R_n$ be the largest natural number such that $$\frac{2^{R_n-3}}{R_n}\le n$$ Let $\mathbb{\operatorname{CB}}(n) = x_1 x_2 x_3 \ldots x_r \ldots $ be the infinite bitstring of the Collatz $T$ function: $$T(n) = \frac{n}{2}, \text{ if }n \equiv 0 \mod (2)...

12 hours later…
@Peter "although I do not want to participate here" ... Please do not preface your requests in this room with that qualifier.

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