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@XanderHenderson see smoke detector above, is there nothing that can be done?
@Jakobian A post can be flagged even if it's deleted. In this case, I've already flagged it.
Another question related to an ongoing contest as claimed in this meta post has a bounty on.
@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ do you mean C1?
@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ the question in the meta post has a bounty too it seems
I've recently hit 10k rep, so I'll finally be able to participate in vote deletion in this channel :D
oh... maybe not
> At 10,000 reputation, you can cast 5 delete votes per day. An additional vote is granted per 1000 reputation, to a maximum of 30 delete votes per day.
I probably need to wait till tomorrow to be able to
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin title (77): Store shoppingالسيف للأواني‭ by Alsaif‭ on math.SE
2 hours later…
@Jakobian Yes. I found that it was too late to edit it :/
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
@Jakobian What do you mean by "is there nothing that can be done"?
Raise a red "rude/abusive" flag (not a custom moderator flag).
@XanderHenderson The answer was already self-deleted at that time, and we cannot raise rude/abusive flags on deleted answers, only custom moderator flag.
What can/should we do if we (as >10K users) see a deleted question with offensive content?
@MartinR In that case, just raise a flag. Someone will get to it eventually.
7 hours later…
@XanderHenderson and others. Only one more delete vote needed math.stackexchange.com/q/4868817
1 hour later…

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