I had a quick question about the Collatz Conjecture. According to the function in which the Collatz Conjecture is defined, all even numbers must necessarily turn into an odd number. Therefore, it seems sufficient to prove the problem only for odd numbers. My question is as follows. Let's look at ...
We have seen from history of attempted proofs of Riemann Hypothesis(RH) no matter where / how we start, we always end up at theoretical dead end/ barrier.
As there is duality between Zeta zeros and primes and we don't know enough about both of these objects it's like running in circles ( Ourobor...
I created a few posts concerning a MSE post's solution to an exercise from Dummit and Foote. I did not understand the answer in the post. I at first created a single post with multiple questions in it. A commenter told me I should have one single question per post. I then created four differen...