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Q: What is wrong with my current reasoning on loops in the collatz conjecture

Mr Snoopy pantsHi I recently learned about the collatz conjecture and I have a question. I am by no means a mathematician and have only been seriously self studying for about 4 months. I have recently been studying over the idea of loops in the collatz conjecture and whether non trivial loops exist. As a summar...

8 hours later…
@XanderHenderson the contest in question, RMO 2024, concluded more than a week ago. math.stackexchange.com/questions/4996244/… yet this question is closed under contest policy. Rather it should be deleted because of low quality.
1 hour later…
I suggest that a final delete vote is cast here: math.stackexchange.com/a/4996479/42969. The answer is unclear and seems to be completely unrelated to the question.

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