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13 hours later…
I believe this question should be re-opened: math.stackexchange.com/questions/4978600/… I have personal stake since I answered, but I argue it isnt anymore a PSQ. OP has already highlighted what the context of his question was and the question is very clearly stated.
One can argue that OP didnt show his efforts at solving the question -- but at the end of the day, quite a few questions don't, yet don't get closed, e.g. the one I asked Xander about in math mod chat. I don't see a lack of attempt as a valid reason of closure, especially when relevant context is provided
Only 1 reopen vote is required, by the way.
6 hours later…
@Sahaj (1) It isn't about "showing effort". It is about placing the problem in some kind of context. "I used a computer to verify this up to [n]" is not very interesting or useful context (IMO). I would rather know why anyone should care about the question. In what context does the question arise? What value does an answer have? etc.
(2) "Question A hasn't been closed, and it is of similar quality to Question B, therefore Question B should not be closed" is a logical fallacy.

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