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12 hours later…
I'm puzzled by some of the closures lately. Take this post for instance https://math.stackexchange.com/a/4978259/399263 what is wrong with it ?

In Latex, provides work, has plenty of answers, has tags, has good tittle, not marked as duplicate, no negative points... So why does this get closed as "missing context".
@pilko You've linked to an answer, not a question.
The question itself does have three downvotes.
If the question is about the integral itself, there are many, many duplicate targets: approach0.xyz/search/…
If the question is about the approach taken, then the question is a "solution verification" question. Such a question needs to highlight a specific part of the solution about which the asker is uncertain.
Yeah ok, but I just find this a bit harsh. There are many worse questions out there that do not get such treatment. Anyway I'm not here to reopen or something, I was just surprised.
@pilko Closing a question has nothing to do with the user, and is not "harsh". It is not a punishment. It is a statement that the question is not a good fit for this site.
Honestly, I get really tired of this moralizing about closures and deletions. No one is saying that the asker is a bad person, nor that the question is necessarily a bad question (whatever that might mean). It is simply not a good match for the SE format.
Note: @pilko has answered that question under name "zwim", the link is to their own answer
Oh sorry, my intention wasn't to advertise my answer, I just copied the wrong link.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Did anyone notice that the number of pending close/delete votes is now marked with a star if you voted to close/delete? For example Delete (1*). Perhaps this is not so new, but I only noticed it today, and I did not see that change announced anywhere.
I had a “CDStatus” script installed (discussed here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/131158/cdstatus-script) to avoid accidental undelete votes, this may not be necessary anymore.
Yep, I noticed the same today on a reopen vote.
What I meant: Accidentally retracting a delete vote if one had already voted to delete and clicked on button again.
5 hours later…
@MartinR @Sahaj FYI, I also noticed this change, but with close votes. For more information, please see the following answer and question, closed as a duplicate.
A: Make the "delete" button different when you already voted to delete

BertholdWe made changes to address this issue. We added a * to the count if you were the one to vote on that post. For example: Delete (1*). There's already an existing hover tooltip that explains you have voted on this. This change applies to votes to delete, close, undelete, and reopen. We updated ...

Q: What does the superscript asterisk mean after the reopen count?

Franck DernoncourtI see a superscript asterisk after this reopen count on Can one use one's Starlink dish in a commercial plane?: What does the superscript asterisk mean after the reopen count?

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