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10 hours later…
I'll give it a try too, although this room does not seem to be frequented too much.
I do not really see why Problem proving that $0<a<b$ implies $1/b<1/a$ has 3 votes to close as a NARQ.
I agree that it is a homework question and OP did not show any effort - is this the reason for closing votes?
3 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Do you want to close and reopen that post? That has 4 close votes, so if I vote now, that would be kill it.
@Srivatsan I am reluctant to vote for closing, but I am definitely not going to reopen it.
Oh ok.
I don't have strong opinion either way.
Does anyone know why we have and as separate tags? Why isn't vector-spaces a synonym of linear-algebra? (I'm not suggesting it should be a synonym, but I want to see the rationale for this arrangement.)
4 hours later…
I've asked this in the main chatroom too: see here.
Do you have any ideas for what other purposes could room like Jury Duty useful. I mean things that are not important enough to be starred (pinned to the noticeboard, so to say), but it would be good to have them separately somewhere, so that they do not get lost between smalltalk and other stuff and where they can be easily noticed at least for a few hours.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@Srivatsan I don't get your point in the comment to a question to which I answered, please brief me your apprehensions about my answer!
Matt raised the problem in the main chatroom whether if we close non-migrated question and leave the migrated one, it will be possible to accept an answer.
His message: Regarding this and this: can we close the latter, non-migrated version, rather than the first (with 4 votes at the moment)?
See here.
As a result of our discussion that followed, he flagged for moderators attention and asked to merge accounts or to attach the question to the account (if possible).
Hopefully that was right sing to do.
The non-migrated question is closed already BTW.

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