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New place to hang out
@Unihedro Looks longer and cheesy to me. Just an opinion.
Q: Why the recent Nickelback songs sound so polished?

CVAI recently heard their new single edge of revolution and it sounds good when compared to some other recent rock recordings. How do they get such quality sound. Do they they use any special plugins or mixing techniques in their DAW to acheive this ?

Q: Why do songs sometimes get left off a movie's soundtrack?

pacoverflowSometimes I'll hear a song while watching a movie, and then later when I look at the movie's soundtrack, I find out the song isn't on the soundtrack. Why are songs in a movie sometimes left off the movie's soundtrack? As an example, the movie American Wedding had a scene with Stifler in a dance...

Q: What's the difference between a record and an album?

piofuscoThe term record and album seemed to be used interchangeably, however, was/is there a difference between these two terms? For example, the Grammy Awards have awards for both, yet records and albums existed before the Grammy Awards. Are these merely synonyms or did they have a different meaning in ...

Q: What was the first vinyl record ever pressed?

LStrikeI am wondering about, what was the first vinyl record ever pressed. I am not interested in the first record ever (for example shellac), only the first vinyl record.

Q: How song get qualified for being Sufi?

Ankit SharmaIn Indian/Pakistani music a term called Sufi music is used. How a song can qualified to be a Sufi song?

Q: Requesting automatic embedding of Youtube and Sound Cloud links

JCPedrozaIn Music SE we can embed Youtube videos and SoundCloud audio to our questions and answers just by posting the link. Here's an example. I think that feature would be very useful and convenient here.

Q: tag subscriptions don't work

Martin SchröderAs of now, there's no way to subscribe to tags - the normal subscribe option fails and the manual subscription page (e.g for jazz) gives a 404. Is that just because the site is too new?

Q: "Identify this song/ genre / artist" - on topic?

topo mortoOn one hand, these questions do often have a clear answer, and may be of some interest to people beyond the asker. On the other hand, by their nature, the questions are going to be hard to find in the future by others with the same question. Are "Identify this..." questions on-topic?

Q: Are questions about non-English lyric translations on topic?

KevinI would like to ask how the lyrics to some songs written in languages other than English are translated. Would it be on-topic for me to ask for the translation for the lyrics of a specific song?

Q: Do we need feed in chatroom?

Ankit SharmaDo we need feed in chatroom for main site and meta site? If yes then what should be the feed's bot name?

Q: Are Music reality show question on topic?

Ankit SharmaAre Music reality show question are On-topic?

1 hour later…
Q: What were the specifics of Prince's "$100 million contract" with Warner Bros. Records in 1992?

BCdotWEBIn 1992 Prince signed a reported $100 million contract with Warner Bros. Records. What were the specifics of this contract?

Q: Are questions like "what is this sample", "what is this instrument" allowed here?

MMMSay I'm a fan of artist X who made a song Y. There is a sample used in song Y and I'm wondering where it is from. A similar but perhaps slightly different question would be asking about an instrument used by artist X to make song Y. Are these kind of questions on topic?

Q: Have any successful solo artists subsquently formed/joined successful bands

Pat DobsonThere have been many members of successful bands who have gone on to have successful solo careers. For example Phil Collins & Peter Gabriel of Genesis, Ian Gillan of Deep Purple, etc. etc. The question is, have there been any solo artists who have since joined or formed a successful band ? Obvi...

Q: Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells - John Peel version

Pat DobsonOriginally, Vivian Stanshall of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band performed the 'narration' on part one of Tubular Bells. I recall a remix version, created I think for the BBC on one of the Tubular Bells anniversaries which was a complete re-recording using mainly sythesisers. This version was 'narrate...

Q: Permission for remixes?

Pat DobsonDo bands, such as the Propellerheads or similar need to gain permission to remix another artists song ? For example, 'Proffessional Widow' by Tori Amos was not only remixed but appeared on the 'Boys for Pele' album so obviously this was approved. But Fat Boy Slim 'remixed' 'I see you baby' by Gr...

Q: Do "remix song" can be called as "cover song"?

Reinaldy RafliSometimes, my friends told that some songs that remixed is a cover song. Is it true? How to explain that to my friends that new to things like this?

Q: Music equipment used by artists question on-topic?

Pat DobsonI (misguidely) answered a question about HiFi equipment used to listen to music with a reply about instruments used in songs. This Question I think that equipment questions are on topic. For instance, in 'name of song' what intrument created this perculiar sound 5.43 mins into the song ...

Q: Online database with URLs for each different version of a musical work

unorWhen talking about different versions of a musical work, it’s useful to uniquely identify them by referencing URLs that are solely about these versions of a specific work. Is there an online database, similar to the IMDb for movies, that can be used for this? Requirements: The project must al...

1 hour later…
Q: Studies about stereotypes' accuracy of different genre listeners

FlugueubluckThis question is going to be really weird, but we all have in mind when we think of a typical metal listener a person wearing black clothes, long haired, with big black boots and etc... For almost each genre, there exist stereotypes of the typical listener. So I asked myself two questions: Has...

Q: Who is the artist of a song?

unorWhen a song has performer A, composer B, and lyricist C, who is the artist of this song? Is this decided by rules not based on the creative process, e.g., by producers? Or is the artist the party that had the "idea" for the song (and, so to say, engaged the other two parties to work for them)? O...

Q: What are the historical roots of auto-tune?

bluefeetAuto-Tune is a technique to hide bad vocals in a track. Good or bad, it seems that it's here to stay in popular music. Many people credit Cher's Believe as the first use of auto-tune in popular music. Did auto-tune appear in music prior to Believe by Cher? When did auto-tune first appear to be...

Q: What is the significance of "the promised land" mentioned in many Bruce Springsteen songs?

Carl HApart from the song The Promised Land, there are quite a few other songs by Bruce Springsteen whose lyrics make reference to a "promised land". Some examples: "For all the blown-off strangers and hot rod angels, stumbling through this promised land" (Racing In The Street) "We'll ride o...

Q: Where did the "rock on" hand sign come from?

DomA lot of rock musicians use a hand sign to symbolize the concept of "rock on" typically during a performance. The hand symbol is shown below. Where did this hand symbol come from and who created it?

Q: What classifies a band as "indie"?

tarun713Is "indie" a moniker that indicates their record company is of a certain size, or not part of a larger music conglomerate, or is it a style or subgenre? Googling this seems to come up with multiple conflicting answers. In the world of film, studios have "indie film" divisions - is the same true f...

Q: Who decides whether a record should be labelled "Parental Advisory"?

topo mortoWho decides whether a record should be labelled "Parental Advisory"? Are there any agreed-upon standards? If not, what individuals in the production chain are the people who actually decide whether a record should be labelled as such?

these feeds are annoying
Q: Is every piece of music a "track"?

unorComing from the question about distinguishing songs from tracks based on presence of vocals, I wonder if track is a term that can be used for every kind of musical work? In the comments, Noach mi Frankfurt thinks that a track has to be recorded on a medium, while Unihedro thinks that the definit...

Can we turn the bot's off at least until the amount of questions normalizes?
Q: Can we come up with a sensible default definition of 'chart'..?

topo morto..so that people can talk about "songs that have charted" without perpetually having to specify e.g. "US Billboard 100"?

Q: Pink Floyd - On the run

Pat DobsonI remember a radio interview with some members of Pink Floyd concerning the making of the dark side of the moon and in particular some comments around the track 'On the run'. Anyone who knows this song will remember that it's very 'looped' and 'sampled' but, of course it was recorded before the ...

Q: What does 'The Dark Side of the Moon' mean?

ShevliaskovicOne of the most famous albums of Pink Floyd is 'The Dark Side of the Moon'. Besides the title of the album, this phrase also appears in the lyrics of the last song of the album, Eclipse: And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear You shout and no one seems to hear And if the band you'r...

Q: Should the tags history and music-history be synonyms?

DomI just noticed that we have a history and music-history. Should we keep them separate or should we make on a synonym of the other?

Yay. Finally, a question I could actually answer.
@Shevliaskovic hows it going?
Q: What should answers look like to questions about the meaning of lyrics?

DomWhen this site was proposed there were sample questions about the meaning behind certain song lyrics. Now that we're in beta and the first question about the meaning of lyrics has received some questionable answers? What should questions about the meaning of lyrics look like?

@ZachSaucier @Dom
Q: Do we need feed in chatroom?

Ankit SharmaDo we need feed in chatroom for main site and meta site? If yes then what should be the feed's bot name?

@ZachSaucier @Dom made them into ticker feed for now.
@AnkitSharma Thanks
I agree it's useful, but it was taking up most of the chat space.
I think ticker will be not that annoying
@Dom didn't expected the newly launched bet's chatroom this silent
I though there will me more talk then bot feeds
@AnkitSharma Hopefully it won't stay quiet.
@Dom I'm well. How bout you?
Anyways Meta and main site are more important then chat and they have sufficient activity but things can be determined after a week or so.
@Shevliaskovic Good. This site is keeping me busy. There's a lot of interesting content here.
@AnkitSharma Yeah I'd rather have people focus on the main site and how to run it then the chat at least for now.
@tarun how's it going?
3 hours later…
So, this site has been live for a few days.... how's it going?
2 hours later…
@CarlH We're probably all going to die.

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