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anyone has any idea if a book like this have enough credit to be referenced in a academic research project?
13 hours later…
@joker13 It has been a number of years since I was in academia. Have you looked in the "Look inside this book" part on Amazon, read the first pages and considered if it is of sufficient quality or comparable to other books that you have previously referenced?
@Krelp name of this game is ITILgnat 43 mins ago
@gnat: If I understand you correctly, this comment is hilarious! At one of my previous employers, the new CIO (Chief Innovation Officer, whatever that means) tried to shove ITIL down our throats. At first, I gave it a chance. After all, our industry could use some standardization...
@gnat: ...But after a while, we (emphasis 'I') figured out that guy was a complete fraud, and I might go so far as to say that his emphasis on ITIL, to the exclusion of best-practices learned in the field (which he had never learned), was what revealed that "the emperor had no clothes".
@JimG. yup it could be a fraud depending on who "plays that game" so to speak. In my hands, it likely would be a fraud - simply because I lack practical experience in that field. On the other hand...
...I learned that very term "ITIL" from a guy who was of a great help for our project in simplifying and straightening our support tasks. This guy told me most of the stuff he did, was based on ITIL. Guess it was important that...
...he had vast firsthand experience to properly use their "theories"
that is pick the right stuff from it and tune it the right way for our specific needs
Back then I digged a bit into ITIL but quickly figured that I can't do like he did :) just could not figure what stuff is right and what is the right way to tweak it
A not insignificant part of the itel world is various regulatory things... the degree of which depends on the company, public/private, and industry.
If the company is one that likes to / needs to hang that "ISO #### Certified" banner out front, itel is a step maintaining the proper internals for such cerficiation.
I used to work at Netapp. The CEO is an outspoken critic of SOX... and thus to make sure that all our ducks were in a row in the event of an audit, the internals really had to follow the process quite closely.
Q: The moderators have decided to have a little yuletide fun, join us will you?

jcolebrandPS: You only get so many Iceland Fridays in a year, so make it special people ... To start things off, a little refashioned seasonal tune: On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Stack Exchange gave to me: 12 inbox 'lerts 11 chatty pings 10 AnnaLears a Leaping 9 spam bots posting 8 weeks a fea...

On the first day of Christmas, technology gave to me: A database with a broken b-tree (what the hell is a b-tree anyway?)
@MichaelT I know this one! Data structure! Like binary tree with N values per node in a linked list and N child nodes where the children are interspersed in the values LL where their eanges live sorted rather than one value and two children
@JimmyHoffa Did you read the rfc?

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