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@RussiaMustRemovePutin your answer doesn't really address the question. It rather invokes a different base than the one intended in question. I will let the answer remain in deleted state.
@ParamanandSingh i will be addressing base 10 in my update
What's the harm in undeleting it? If I do a bad job with my revision, surely it will be deleted again.
I have every incentive to improve it greatly. This past year I have been taking more math classes at my local university, and I think I have the tools to better communicate my ideas.
two can play at that game
Look, you have walked into the Mathematics part of the site, and are now abusing your global moderator powers to circumvent moderation of a mathematics moderation related chatroom.
This is not acceptable.
You asked me a question then began deleting my responses, how is that fair treatment of any user?
Now here's what I understand I can do and what I will do at this point. I will edit the deleted answer, and I will ask for it to be undeleted when I'm done editing.
You know what, I found I could inspect the history, you deleted it (nevermind, another Alexander deleted it, regardless...). That's it, I'm done with this sort of unfair treatment on this site. I'm in the top .01% of answerers on stack overflow, and I would have been a great asset to this site, but I will not be contributing to math stackexchange in the future, and I will not be editing that answer. Don't undelete it. Let it be. I am done with you.
You have been told "no", and you have been told what your alternatives are (write and new answer and/or talk to the CMs). Enough. This needs to stop.
9 hours later…
@RussiaMustRemovePutin Sorry, it was deleted due to not answering the question. I don't think revising it will help. It will have to stay deleted
I'm the one who deleted it by the way
I don't know why it's gotten so dramatic in here. I get where you're coming from, it's an interesting concept and you had some upvotes. You'd just need to do a lot of teardown for it to become an answer to that particular question, enough so that you may as well start from scratch.
Come on people, let's all have a cooling down period and then perhaps, an enlightening thought will have a chance to shine through.
∞ many hours later...

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