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@DanielFischer Please see this question put on hold.
Please also see, yet again, this question from the same asker, which is a dupe of both the questions I link here, now. Can we call this a "three strikes and you're out"? situation, i.e., please notify the asker that the reposting a question they've already asked and which was then put on hold is inappropriate, and/or delete their third attempt to post?
Also, for some reason, the edit went through review and was approved?!
Oh... it was approved by the original asker... wtf?
Perhaps the asker has two accounts? the asker and the editor?
Never mind, @DanielFischer
@amWhy quid has left them a message.
@DanielFischer Please see my comment immediately above yours, @DanielFischer. Remember, regular users don't have the luxury of deleting or editing requests that have since been addressed.
@DanielFischer So, if I were you I'd address @XanderHenderson 's comment.
@amWhy no problem. Wasn't quite sure whether that referred to the message I replied to or your later one. So I went for the safe option and replied, whether that was necessary or not. (And I'm right now looking into the matter Xander brought up.)
@DanielFischer I appreciate that. I would have likely done the same, if I were in your shoes.
@XanderHenderson All things considered, it added up to something not good.
@DanielFischer Yarp. Thanks for having a look at it.
@DanielFischer My comment immediately above "Never mind", was actually addressing Xander's comments. I should have "replied to" Xander's posts in that comment.
"Perhaps the asker has two accounts? the asker and the editor?", or the other way around - the editor/answerer created an account to ask question they can then answer (and edit carelessly). Me thinks, after investigation, it was the latter.
@amWhy I understood that. But when I replied to you, I hadn't yet looked into it, so it could have been possible that another moderator had already dealt with that, in which case your "never mind" might have referred to that situation.
A sentence containing too many "that".
@DanielFischer Ahha! That makes sense, too, that my comments may have been hard to follow, on that question/concern! ;)
If you manage to untangle what each "that" refers to ;)
Which "that"? That "that", or that other "that"? That's confusing... :(
@XanderHenderson Yes, that one!
@XanderHenderson Not that that. This that is that that that that that is not.
@DanielFischer, @XanderHenderson head is now spinning!
@DanielFischer No, more like this:
@amWhy Doesn't that hurt?
@DanielFischer Hmmm, you must not be as flexible as I am! :P
@DanielFischer The gif is rather distracting in this chat. Can you remove it and replace it with the link to the spinning head, instead?
that's better
@DanielFischer Ask, and you will receive! Yes, much better. Thank U!
It was a pleasure. I'm not a fan of spinning gifs.
@DanielFischer Indeed; they're enough to make anyone dizzy!
Which may not be the worst if your surname is Gillespie.
Its a very bad question:
in CRUDE, 2 hours ago, by Abcd
Q: $f(x)=x^9$ and $g_n(x)=\frac{n}{\frac{1}{f(x)}+\frac{1}{f(2x)}+\cdots+\frac{1}{f(nx)}}$

KoolmanFor p,n belongs to N , let $f(x)=x^9$ and $g_n(x)=\frac{n}{\frac{1}{f(x)}+\frac{1}{f(2x)}+\cdots+\frac{1}{f(nx)}}.$ Find the value of limit(x approaches to 0) of $\frac{1-g_n(x)}{x^p}$ at $n=5$ and $p=3.$ I tried to apply L Hospital rule but that leads me to a lengthy answer .

And I flagged it long back
But still the flag isnt cleared
@Abcd Close flags aren't shown to moderators, they are handled by the review. If a reviewer votes to close with the reason you flagged for, it's going to be helpful, if no reviewer votes to close for that reason, not.
1 hour later…
@davidlowryduda hola!
@amWhy How goes it?
@davidlowryduda Well, "it goes", sometimes smoothly, sometimes not! :-)

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