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@Wildcard Simply because it is a completely automated process, and for an automatic script to invalidate votes it should be basically 100% clear that the sequence of votes cannot be given for valid reasons. Also the script, more reasons of efficiency if nothing else, cannot take into account everything that a human looking at the situation can.
@Wildcard Your "close flag" sent the question to a review, where it was unanimously "left open". (review link) In general moderators do not handle close flags.
@Wildcard I forget the specifics, but to have real flagging consequences you need to have a significant percentage of your recent (within the last week) flags declined (and a minimum of 10 flags raised in the period). An occasional declined flag will only leave you a pop-up to remind you to look at your flagging history.
@MathematicsAminPhysics Posts cannot be completely removed from the system. Also, you have some fairly high voted questions, which should counteract the deleted/closed/downvoted ones. The thing to do is to improve the questions you have asked, and to ask better questions going forward.
@arjafi, okay, thanks for explaining!
I recall seeing a few times the claim that it is very difficult to get a question ban or answer ban. Like this Daniel Fischer's answer:
Or this comment:
I believe it is still possible to trigger the "perma-bans", but you essentially have to try. In the words of Tim Post, "Yes, it is still possible to encounter a much longer-term block on some larger sites, but you'd need to ignore a lot of help before hitting it." — arjafi ♦ Feb 9 '15 at 10:54
Recently the posts on meta asking about bans are quite frequent.
Did rules about bans changed since 2015? Or is the reason that voting patterns on the site changed and users downvote and close low quality questions much more than they used to?
@MartinSleziak Getting out-right bans is still as difficult as ever. I have a feeling that most of the "I'm banned!" questions on meta are actually about temporarily question blocks. Unfortunately I don't have much data to back this up (while whether or not a user is currently blocked from asking questions is visible to moderators, the reason/severity of this block is not). The most recent such meta-question by Charlie to almost certainly is about a temporary block, and not an outright ban.
But to my knowledge no changes have been made to the ban/block system recently.
Of course, perhaps users are more likely to downvote than before, which would cause more blocks.

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