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@AsafKaragila I know you know this, but instead of getting into/continuing such an argument flag and disengage.
Takes less effort on your part, puts you less at risk of revenge downvoting, and doesn't waste your time writing comments that are destined for the trash bin of history.
2 hours later…
@arjafi I know. And I usually do better with this things. I should also say, I raised the flag when the user deleted their question (although momentarily), mainly because I was hoping for someone to explain to him that this is not how people behave on the site (especially with the last-pre-deletion comment, which was deleted afterwards). Things spiraled down, and it took me a while before I managed to disengage.
Also, about the meta-flag, I was just curious. I wasn't entirely sure if the removal was intentional by a mod, or just by accumulated flags.
@arjafi: Speaking of things that involve Finnish people. Are you going to try and watch the northern lights in late January?
4 hours later…
I want to get started the bounty room. I have suggested in on meta and the intention was to collect "unresolved bounties".
My impression is that the suggestion was received relatively well. (The question has score 25 and a few comments which seemed enthusiastic.)
Very briefly: The posts in that room are supposed about questions where: 1) Some users posted a bounty, but did not get an answer they hoped for. 2) They are willing to reward an answer added later by a bounty, if it fulfills their requirements.
So far, the only post of this type in the rooms was made by me. So I should probably try to promote this project a bit more.
Apart from the post on meta, I have mentioned this a few times in the main chatroom.
Would mentioning this in a comment on the main would be ok?
I mean comments like: "@username I see that you have place a bounty but received no answer. You might be interested in my suggestion to collect unresolved bounties here." (And perhaps with addition of link to meta.)
Strictly speaking, such comments is totally unrelated to the question at hand. But it still is a useful information.
I definitely do not intend to flood the site by posting such comments on every featured question. But I would probably try to post them when I see that bounty did not help and where the user often offers bounties.
Can such comments get me in trouble if I post them often? (I mean could I get banned for such comments? Is posting such a comment - basically promoting specific chat room - a flaggable offence?)
My impression - based on past experience - is that this would probably be ok, but I decided to ask here anyway.

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