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In the complete absence of any evidence that a moderator with a conflict of interest took action on the content, such a flag and re-rainsing in chat is making accusations of impropriety that are unsupportable. If you have a specific issue with potentially improper deletion of comments, your flag should specify that exactly, and request checking by another moderator.
If you have actual evidence of improprieties, it should be provided directly to community managers (CM) via the contact form, not raised as a flag and certainly not in chat. Avoidance and circumvention makes it very much appear that this complaint is not in good faith.
I would heavily advise stepped away from the issue for at least a day, and only returning to it if there is high confidence that improprieties have actually occurred, and not a purely emotional reaction to your flag being rejected.
11 hours later…
@Nij can you point out where I was being emotional? This is baseless accusation.
Of course I don't have any evidence, I don't have access to deleted comments. I don't know what you mean by evidence here
My flag as you can see, specified pretty clearly what the issue is about. The moderator here declined it based on a total misinterpretation of what I was saying. It got rejected for wrong reasons so I tried to post here instead.
Now I don't know what to do in cases like these, so saying my complaints are not in good faith is pretty much baseless.
I don't know if its particularly in good faith to try to paint someone's complaints as not in good faith and emotional
Exactly. You have literally nothing to show why your flags are declined. You don't know who declined them. You have made an accusation of "moderator abuse" with no possible objective basis, so the only cause must be emotional dissatisfaction.
Fact is, you do not have a right to get clarifications. If someone declines to respond and makes that clear through other means, your comment is no longer needed and is in line for deletion at any point.
well, if the same mod who asked the question deleted the comment there's a problem
If. But without any evidence of that, jumping immediately to the reaction of a flag calling the situation abuse, then repeating that reaction in 'public' chat, is entirely inappropriate.
yeah; I assume this is why Jakobian is asking for clarification since he did not accuse Shaun of deleting the comment
Yes, he did,, by immediately calling it "moderator abuse".
Had the question simply been asked here originally, without pre-judging the outcome and instead seeking the facts they do not possess, or raised to CM via the contact form, there would be no problem with it receiving a straightforward response.
As it is, presuming good faith is far harder now, because good faith means applying the correct process without factually-unsupported accusations, even in a vacuum without prior history.
Can other moderators know who deleted a comment?
Yes, all moderators on a site can view all moderation and curation records/history on that site, while all moderators on the network can view and act for moderation in chat (SO and Meta separately)
Okay, thank you
@Nij "You have literally nothing to show why your flags are declined.". The moderator left a message. I don't know what you mean
@Nij "makes that clear through other means". I don't know what you mean by that since nothing like that have occurred.
@Nij so do you think it wouldn't be abuse if someone else did it? Maybe implicitly I meant Shaun, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who did it given they were the only moderator there, definitely was there at the time, and moderators don't exactly fly around checking every post
Either way its an irrelevant point
And on top of that, by saying I meant Shaun you are doing what you are accusing of me, which is assuming who did what
let's leave it, I don't think this can come to any conclusion

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