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@quid got a problem user across both MO and M.SE stackexchange.com/users/4515600/zeraoulia-rafik?tab=activity Seems like lots of AI-generated answers. Can we discuss privately?
Or any other mod, is ok @XanderHenderson ? (I'm a mod over on MO)
I assume it is nighttime in Xander Henderson's timezone right now. But quid should be in some European timezone, I think.
Here is list of the users pingable in this room - so one could check which moderators are there.
@DavidRoberts Another mod pingable via @username is Paramanand Singh. I might have missed somebody - but I do not see other mods in that list.
BTW welcome to Mathematics. :-)
@MartinSleziak thanks :-) just need someone to meet me in TL to sort some stuff.
Or @ParamanandSingh need to discuss mod stuff about a cross-site user's behaviour to coordinate
Asaf is busy, I checked already.
It's good to hear that there is a MO mod who actually uses Teacher's Lounge.
From what I heard from the MO mods in the past, some of them don't even have an account on Meta Stack Exchange. And I think that I heard from another MO mod that they tend to avoid this room, because it is too chatty.
@DavidRoberts you may try the room chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/148874/…
@ParamanandSingh sorry, it's not working for me yet.
@DavidRoberts: please try again, I have provided access for you.

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