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4:06 AM
meant to ask this in C.R.U.D.E., sorry!
4:51 AM
Possible attempt to "spam" (not according to definition of site) this user and this user (same identicons, different names) and these questions 1, 2
7 hours later…
11:36 AM
I flagged an answer as "very low quality" because I thought it would be sent to the "Low Quality Posts" queue, not to the moderators, and got a response back that "flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention". Is there a different way to send it to that queue?
1 hour later…
12:40 PM
@AntonioVargas "Very low quality" or "Not an answer" send the post to the queue, unless a) the answer is accepted, or b) it has already been through the queue, or c) maybe some other condition I forgot. If it's an accepted answer, you can know that the flag goes straight to the moderators when you flag, and then consider whether the post meets the stricter criteria. If a post has already been through the queue, that's not so easily seen.
You can find out, but that would generally require too much effort. If you have raised a VLQ or NAA flag on it before, you should expect that it has already been through the queue. But generally, you have to guess. And live with the occasional declined flag (since strictly, these flags aren't for "this is a terrible answer and I want it deleted").
One difference between VLQ and NAA that can play a role is that when we mark a VLQ flag as helpful but don't delete the post, then the post gets a downvote from the Community bot, and we may consider that inappropriate even when we would otherwise be inclined to say "I see why you flagged this".
2 hours later…
2:41 PM
Ah, thanks for the info @Daniel.

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