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ML Classification 0.014260784901915971 (Old classification 0.4)
Status_t sendMsg(Msg_t* msg) often foregoes NULL checks because C doesn't have C++ references. There's no type in C whose value space is just "addresses of Msg objects"; programmers use the same Msg* type both for "address of Msg objects" and "NULL or address of Msg objects". — MSalters 13 secs ago
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ML Classification 6.544228481715032E-4 (Old classification 0.43)
@VishalAggarwal We've discussed this before, and that goes against Playwright best practices. XPath is hard to read, hard to maintain, and easily leads to brittle selectors. This one is tied to a specific attributes elements that are liable to change when non-user visible aspects of the page change. The goal is to test the user experience, not the programmer experience, and tags and attributes are for programmers, not users. This is a well-established QA testing community standard as of the past 5 years or so. — ggorlen 54 secs ago
1 hour later…
ML Classification 0.0040521012603423915 (Old classification 0.58)
Adding repeated content or random garbage to bypass the minimum length requirements is a violation of the site guidelines, as well as being an insult to the millions of people who go through the effort to keep this site a quality resource for programmers. You would be highly offended if I went to your house and defecated on your carpet, yet you seem to think it's fine for you to come here and crap on ours. I'd strongly suggest that you take the time to go through the tour and read the help center pages to learn how the site works before your next post. — Ken White 24 secs ago
ML Classification 0.007647154079307611 (Old classification 0.43)
They're synonymous to Python programmers. All this stuff you're talking about are implementation details, not something exposed as part of the language. — Barmar 9 secs ago
@DCM344 The hole you want to fill SHOULD be filled by Stack Overflow's Discussions, but it's currently a work in progress and hit-and-miss. When you want recommendations on which libraries and tools to look at you want Software Recommendations. What often works here is to lay out the requirements defining the problem you need solved (code with a "What goes here?" bock is recommended to firm the goal up) and ask how to fill in the blank often works. If a library fits, some answer will recommend it. — user4581301 10 secs ago
2 hours later…
ML Classification 0.043015586719644165 (Old classification 0.4)
@user14063792468 -- The link points to the function that the OP is referencing. Down in that page is the Requirements section, and more than likely the OP did not meet the "library" requirements. My additional comment on linking is that a lot of new C++ programmers do not understand the process of how a C++ application is built, i.e. compilation and linking. — PaulMcKenzie 56 secs ago
Off-topic here. Auto-suggest is per custom keyboard. Probably more appropriate: softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/androidMorrison Chang 20 secs ago
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ML Classification 0.8330492194758875 (Old classification 0.0)
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